
Yes I am an angry old man near retirement age that is true. Sometimes my posts froth at the mouth. If I ever offend patriots here please forgive me, but I feel my anger is rightful. If I offend illegal lovers -- well sit on it and rotate! I am a patriot, and I have given part of my life and blood to this United States of America and its People. I have had good friends blown in half on battle fields defending our nation and its people. They were not numbers to me, not just a grave, they had names like Paul and John and Rodney and James and they had smiling faces, and would give you the shirt off their back if you were in need. They laughed allot and they were good buds in good times and bad times. They loved America and its people both native and naturalized. They were kind, honest, hard working patriots and knew what could happen to them...and it did. They took a bullet for me and for you and -- what makes me angriest of all -- for the traitor politicians and tycoons.

I am angry that John and Paul and James and Rod and others died or served, and that the tycoons and traitorous politicians trample their graves and disrespect their spilled blood. For 30 years I have watched this nation led down into the pit of despair by politicians of both parties. These wicked men and women know full well that illegal aliens take jobs from American citizens and lower the wages of all American Citizens. The evil politicians and tycoons know full well and support offshoring of American jobs overseas to wage-slave nations like China where workers work 16 hours a day 7 days a week for $100 a month -- how is that fair trade? It is not fair trade and it is un-American and it is -- in my opinion -- high treason. Many times I have prayed to God asking why I was not taken with John and Rod and Paul and James and why I had to live to see my beloved country so betrayed by politicians.

Today this nation has 1 in 5 voters without full time employment. We have tent cities that grow daily with names like Obamaville and Bushville -- inhabited by American citizens complete with runny nosed little kids. Here in San Francisco I see hundreds of cars parked around our industrial districts filled with homeless American families-- including tiny kids. What has happened to us? What can we honestly do and what choice do we have? It seems to me that the ballot box now is like this: Vote for one A) Democratic Traitor Candidate or B) Republican Traitor Candidate. What politician will be patriot enough to defend our nation and protect our citizens -- especially our children? That is what makes my teapot boil over. Right now I suppose all we can do is continue to advocate for a return to sanity, and vote all illegal lovers out of office as fast as we can.

Deport all illegal aliens and grant them NO citizenship, no guest worker permits, no amnesty, protect our borders, fine employers hiring any illegal $100,000 and prison time, remove incentives to illegals like licenses and welfare, enforce existing laws, no citizenship for children of illegal aliens, remove American citizenship from those with dual citizenship, end offshoring, place high tariffs on any nation using slave labor like China!