Defining the terms
Published: Friday, June 20, 2008 3:06 PM EDT
Newport, N.C.

June 16, 2008


World Book Dictionary, 1977 edition, describes the following: Page 53, Alien: 1. A resident foreigner. Aliens are not citizens of the country in which they live and therefore owe their loyalty to another country. Page 1051, Illegal: adj. 1. Not lawful, against the law, forbidden by law. 2. Not according to official regulations. — n. 1. A person who acts illegally. 2. A secret agent who adopts a fictitious identity to avoid detection. Page 965, Harbor — v.t. 1. To give shelter to, a place to hide.

So an illegal alien is all of the above. What don’t the liberal judges, lawyers and politicians understand? Is it because a lot of their campaign donations come from businesses that use these illegals? Is it that they don’t need just laborers but cheap labor with no benefits to pay? After all, we taxpayers can pay their schooling and medical costs. And who pays for their car insurance, or are they driving on our highways with no insurance?

Do you think illegals should receive taxpayer-subsidized health care? What about receiving in-state tuition at our universities and community colleges? Seems our current governor wants to do this. If this passes it will make the illegal eligible to receive a low or no cost education as a low-income person.

Isn’t this country supposed to be a nation of laws? Do we just selectively enforce the ones we like and ignore the rest to get what we want? Why are we favoring “rightsâ€