New Poll: Reagan Ranked Greatest President Of Last Hundred Years; Guess Who's the Biggest Failure?

Michael Miller
On November 27, 2013

According to a new survey, Ronald Wilson Reagan edges out Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the greatest president of the 20th or 21st century. And the greatest failure? Barack Hussein Obama.

In a survey of 1,000 adults from YouGov/Economist published Friday, Reagan garnered 32 percent of the vote in the “Great” category, followed by FDR at 31 percent and JFK at 30 percent.

The survey looked at presidents since Theodore Roosevelt, the first of the 20th century. Participants were asked to rate each president in six categories: great, near great, average, below average, failure, and don’t know. An approximation of the respondents’ certainty can be seen by “don’t know.”

The margin of “victory” is greater in the “failure” category for Barack Obama than recent president George W. Bush by 5 percent – although they are both seen as “below average” or a “failure” by nearly half. The total of “below average” and “failure” is 49% for President Obama, while 29% believe he is “great” or “near great.” (Click here to see full survey results and demographic breakdown.)

Polling is a reflection of popular beliefs and is often driven by current events, rather than a dispassionate weighting of evidence. Nevertheless, the poll does say a lot about current dissatisfaction with President Obama’s policies.

Incidentally, it’s been just three years since Obama suggested he was the fourth best president in history. My, how quickly the “great” ones fall.