Even as we speak, the NAFTA plan is being drafted quietly behind closed doors. This plan in a nutshell is a plan to unite initially Canada, United States and Mexico under one union, which would basically render our borders needless. Like Europe, we will all be using a common currency.

A HUGE amount of money has already been poured into the preparations of putting this plan into action! This plan is scheduled to be unveiled to our politicians in September of this year and most of our political leaders are supportive of this concept...including our present President! Suprised??!! Don't expect the American public to be included in on this debate, either.

I believe that the reason the American people's rejection of this proposed immigration-reform bill is being ignored with contempt by our leaders, is because:

1. They need this amnesty bill as a major building block to help get NAFTA off the ground down the road. Nowhere in the proposed and ammended bill by the Senate is there anything that ends illegal immigration forever! Everything is "temporary" and "triggered". HMMM???

2. Because such a huge amount of money has already been poured into this NAFTA plan...and more $$$ to be dealt out to those who support it...our leaders are listening to the "bucks" not the people.

I am not a conspiricy theorist...but I do think this amnesty bill is just a smaller and necessary piece of legislation that our leaders need for their bigger plans down the road for America!