Name one Arab country where we've shed blood and treasure that hasn't ended up under Sharia

Posted by Jerry Todd on June 18, 2013 at 5:30pm

Name me one Arab country where we’ve intervened with blood and treasure – first by enriching them with technology – then stupid energy and environmental laws – then arming the despots – that hasn’t ended up under Sharia Law and Islamic domination?

How are the Christians doing wherever we’ve intervened in getting rid of “inconvenient dictators” who had the temerity to tolerate Christians and trade with Israel? We’re supporting savages who eat the hearts and livers of their slain enemies (True).

Immigration is a big problem since the call I got by mistake one day from a caller in Delano, “Mohammed is coming across the border today!” He didn’t know to dial “1” from a landline as he tried to reach his contact in Los Angeles. 800 pages of Soros-written BS don’t get it. How many Muslim Brotherhood types are crawling all over DC that the Soros-Schumer-Rubio bill doesn’t address?
The job of the Republican Party just can’t be that complicated.

Please remind John Boehner that he shouldn’t be a Pelosi Catholic who sells out his faith for temporary political advantage. Is the Congress also exempt from their solemn oaths to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic? Looks like the domestic enemies are running wild.