I am not really sure where to put this at. I just found this website and love it. I had an experience I'd like to share. I firmly believe an apartment building I lived in was an undergound railroad for illegal immigrants. The reason I say this is that I would see a van with Texas tags pull in and drop off men who could not speak a word of English. They carried their belongings in trash bags. Every few months they would not be there and others would take their place. They did not associate with anyone else. They would be picked up in the morning in a work van that had the name of a landscape company on it. They would then be dropped off in the afternoon. One once asked my boyfirend to help him cash a check because he had no id. The groups would sometimes have young men that would trash the place. Beer cans left outside. I called the immigration place not once but twice and nothing was ever done. I don't believe that they even came out to check. Needless to say I moved out. But I know that this is still going on. Why when you see this and you call and report it nothing is ever done.