Oh boy, here we go again. The little Reconquista fire ants are out of the colony once again:

Trouble in Gringoland (Part 2)
Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, Alta California - December 10, 2007 - (ACN) - The most recent killing sprees by disturbed White youths in Nebraska and Colorado are signs of deepening trouble in Gringoland. The signs point to a rapidly disintegrating society caused by the practice of a distorted Christianity, warped ethical thinking and increasing moral corruption. Under these circumstances, the first minds to crack are those of the young,

Bloody killing sprees and massacres in the USA are definitely on the increase. and appear to occur in clusters both in place and time. In our first installment of "Trouble in Gringoland" published on February of 2002, we reported on three violent and bizarre incidents that clustered in the White communities of North San Diego County, California.

The first incident reported in "Trouble in Gringoland (Part 1)" was one that occurred in Rancho Santa Fe where 39 bodies of White young men an women were found dead in a $1.6 million dollar home. The dead were 18 men and 21 women and 8 of the men had been "castrated". The dead had apparently committed suicide and were members of a White religious group called Heaven's Gate that was led by a homosexual who called himself "Do".

The second incident occurred in Carmel Valley and involved the torture of 4 elderly Mexican workers by 8 White youths. The four Mexican migrant workers, ages 64 to 69, where terrorized for 2 hours with baseball bats, pellet guns and a pitchfork. One of the workers lost one eye when he was shot point blank in the face seven times.

The third case involved the disappearance of a 7 year old by the name of Danielle van Dam from the community of Stable Springs. The child disappeared while her mother Brenda van Dam, was out dancing till 2:30 in the morning in a bar in the adjacent community of Poway. The father, Damon van Dam, who was at home, did not know what happened. The raped body of the child was later found and a neighbor, David Westerfield, was arrested and convicted of the crime.

Now in the Christmas season of 2007 we are hearing of another cluster of bizarre and violent incidents in the White communities of Colorado and of the adjacent state of Nebraska. On Wednesday December 5th, a 19 year old White youth by the name of Robert Hawkins took an AK-47 to an Omaha, Nebraska mall and killed 8 people. After leaving a "love" note to his "mommy", dad and 6 assorted friends he writes, "I just want to take a few pieces of (expletive) with me. I love all of you so much and I don't want anyone to miss me..." This type of distorted thinking has also been articulated by USA national leaders in the war against Iraq. Soon after the initial bombing attack on Iraq that killed thousands of women and children, Donald Rumsfeld said , "It was the most compassionate bombing you've ever seen!"

This Sunday, a disturbing incident occurred at a "Youth with a Mission" event at a Christian missionary center in the Denver, Colorado suburb of Arvada. At around 12:30 am and in freezing weather, a 24 year old White youth by the name of Matthew Murray went to the center seeking a place to stay for the night. The Director of "Hospitality", Tiffany Johnson, refused to provide some blankets and a warm corner of the building for Matthew Murray to take refuge from the freezing weather. The un-Christian rebuke resulted in Matthew Murray taking out a gun and killing the hospitality director and another victim. Murray also injured two other staff members. One wonders what kind of "missionary" training the "Youth with a Mission" staff is receiving. This is nothing less than "distorted Christianity."

It now appears that Matthew Murray then drove 75 miles south to the town of Colorado Springs where he went on a shooting spree about 11 hours later at the New Life Church. At the church, he opened fire at parishioners in the parking lot killing three and injuring others before he was killed by a church security guard . New Life Church, a large 14,000 member congregation, is notorious because of the sins of its founder, the "Reverend" Ted Haggard who paid for perverted and decadent sex with a homosexual escort. This is another example of "distorted Christianity" in the USA.

White communities in the state of Colorado have also been the scene of numerous other Satanic incidents. On April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in the town of Littleton, two White youths turned on their classmates and murdered 12 students and a teacher, and wounded 23 others before committing suicide. Last year in Bailey, Colorado a crazed White man went to Platte Canyon High School and took six female students hostage. After committing a series of demonic and perverted sex acts on the students, he killed one before he himself was killed by police.

Littleton, Colorado is located in the congressional district of US Representative Tom Tancredo who is currently running for President of the USA. Tancredo is full of anti-Mexican hate and recently proposed dropping nuclear bombs on the Islamic Holy city of Mecca. Congressman Tancredo, like the killer Robert Hawkins of Omaha, was rejected by the US Army because of mental illness. With Colorado leaders like Tancredo, it is no wonder there are so many White youths in the state going berserk.

There is no doubt that "Gringoland, USA" is in a major crisis. There are now numerous Americans that are simply "losing it." Evil seems to be permeating White communities in diverse parts of the USA. The increasing manifestations of the "Satanic Possession Phenomena" among Whites is not only having adverse effects in their own communities, but the effects on minority communities is even worse.

In "Trouble in Gringoland (Part 1)" we wrote about the White communities in North San Diego County, California. There have been new developments there, particularly in the White racist town of Temecula. Last month a 17 year old White youth by the name of Matthew Blixt massacred his father, his stepmother and two step-sisters in their home before committing suicide. Temecula is a Meth infested town that has gain the reputation of being one of the most bigoted towns in Southern California. Temecula is also the birthplace of a hideous anti-Mexican video game called "Border Patrol." The game will remind you of what occurred at Columbine High School, New Life Church and at the mall in Omaha, Nebraska. See for yourselves at http://www.aztlan.net/racist_anti-mexican_game.htm

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Related La Voz de Aztlan reports:

Trouble in Gringoland (Part 1)

Racist Anti-Mexican "Border Patrol" Game

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La Voz de Aztlan
Website http:/www.aztlan.net