I will not stop speaking on the subject of illegal aliens because it is affecting my family now and in the future. There are teenagers that cannot find jobs if they cannot speak Spanish. 5 year olds cannot get into school because they are over crowded.
20 plus illegals are creating a society for themselves within a society. It’s like moving a foreign country inside America. They do not bring with them anything but themselves. It does not benefit Americans in any way. The 20 mil plus has to work in order to produce for their physical needs. Food, housing, merchandise. This benefits only businesses. The more they produce the more money they make. Americans are already producing to meet their needs.
The problem is the 20 mil bring nothing with them to sustain their presence here. They pay, because of low wage earners, very little in taxes and most of them are using stolen or fraudulent documents in order to work, which is a felon. This screws up social security and internal revenue. Some of these documents are stolen form Americans and have created a night mare for them. There are many examples. (One woman’s social security number was being used by over 200 illegals , making it impossible to use the number and work, draw social security and she owed millions in back taxes. A nightmare she cannot correct. None of these felons are being prosecuted.)
These 20 mil illegals are draining our medical, dental, schools, social services, legal, courts, prisons, and bringing down wages and taking jobs from Americans and destroying Americans way of life. These illegals will destroy America, socially, economically and environmentally.
They do open business, which Bush leads people to believe help our economy. It is obvious that he has not been into one of these businesses. These business cater exclusively to their own whether they are Mexicans, orientals, etc. Most of the merchandise and food are items imported from their countries and support their culture.
These businesses are only helping it’s own people and countries they import food from.
20 mill plus illegals do not help Americans in any way.
The criminal aspect of illegals is costing State and Federal billions. The liabilities goes on and on. Not to mention the cost to taxpayers if these 20 mil plus are given legal status.
The downfall of America has already began and the only way to stop it is to stop illegal immigration by stopping the cause that draws them to this country. There is work in Mexico They have a work program they are allowing South Americans workers to come in and work. Mexico have many resources that only a few benefit from. Mexicans need to change that by a revolution. We are giving America away.`\