Tomorrow, the Senate Finance Committee will vote on important amendments that could make or break your ability to access affordable, quality health care. We need them to hear your voice NOW!

This is a critical time for the Latino community to take action. That is why we and our partners at the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), are joining together to flood the voice mailboxes of members of the Senate Finance Committee tonight with messages from the Latino community. Together we can demand that health care reform not leave us behind!

Please call the senators below and leave the following message on their voicemail systems TONIGHT:

Vote "Yes" on the Menendez-Bingaman C-2 amendment.

Ensure that families with mixed immigration status are not left behind.

Remove barriers such as the five-year waiting period to Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and allow every child and legal immigrant access to quality health care.

Take the high road, keep the debate civil, and oppose harmful verification and restrictions to affordable health insurance.

Support equal treatment of U.S. citizens living in Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories.

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT): (202) 224-2651
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA): (202) 224-3744

Please also send this alert to five friends! Thank you!