Nebraska senator wants to take Fremont ordinance statewide
Posted: Jan 15, 2011 10:29 PM EST Updated: Jan 15, 2011 11:00 PM EST

A follow up to a story we first told you about in August.

It concerns the community of Fremont, Nebraska and their proposed ordinance to make it a crime to hire or rent property to illegal immigrants.
As promised, a Nebraska state senator is now trying to make this city ordinance a statewide law.

The Fremont ordinance itself is on the books and not enforced as it is caught in a court battle.
But one of the ordinance's strongest supporters is Fremont State Senator Charlie Janssen.

"If you vote for this ordinance, it doesn't make you a racist. If you vote against it, it doesn't make you less of a patriot or less of an American." When we talk with Janssen in August, he told us this ordinance is good government and that it shouldn't just be in effect in Fremont, but for the entire state of Nebraska.
Well now Janssen has kept his word and introduced a measure in the Nebraska Unicameral which would make it a statewide crime to hire or rent property to illegal immigrants.

Devlin says "illegal aliens" are coming to this country to escape poor living conditions....kinda like why the Europeans started coming to this land 500 years ago.

Heidi says "it's about time. Why should the people who are here legally have to work so hard and get so little in return?"

And Stan says "City councils should concentrate on fixing the potholes, bringing in new businesses, and passing balanced budgets, not trying to enforce immigration laws."