We have only ourselves to blame

Friday, July 11, 2008

The United States appears to be on a downward spiral from which there is no apparent escape. Our very way of life is being severely threatened in the interest of fairness, multiculturalism and liberalism in general. Tradition, culture and national identification mean nothing anymore because so-called progressives -- the new term for liberals -- are bent on molding this country into an unidentifiable glob of feel-good socialism.

One need only look at recent events in order to verify my concern. The country is flooded with illegal aliens who have no fear of apprehension or deportation and in fact are aided by so-called "sanctuary cities" that offer them safe havens.

The sanctity of marriage, traditionally between one man and one woman, is under attack by liberal judges who find nonexistent rights in the Constitution in order to further their progressive agendas.

Our Supreme Court rules that enemy combatants should be subject to constitutional protections just as if they were U.S. citizens. It's simply insane.

And how did we get here? We have only ourselves to thank for placing liberals into the positions of power that enable them to advance their extreme positions. And according to the latest polls, we are poised to do it again in the upcoming presidential election.

It is unfathomable to me that, in a time of war with Muslim extremists, anyone in their right mind would even think of electing someone who has Islamic roots and who has a history of attending a church known for blaming the white man for all the ills of the world. Have we gone absolutely mad?

My only hope for the salvation of this country is that voters will step back and take a long, objective look at what is happening and act accordingly. If they don't, then I guess the old adage is true: People get the government they deserve.

Vernon Steele


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