crazybird, that is about the way these people think anymore. DANG!!

Stymie, that most certainly would be the work of a Constitutional lawyer I would think. I do know of the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice), who specialize in Constitutional rights and laws, but not sure if this particular issue is something they deal with.

We have all long thought there has to be a way to take out those who do not hold their oath of office to uphold the Constitution and our laws.

One of the many ways we can do something, while here, is to keep informing people and attempting to get other Americans involved. It is easy for the corrupted politicians to ignore a handful of Americans making waves for them about illegal immigration, but, if it is a big portion of the population, then they cannot ignore us.

In the meantime, it can be researched, I know we have discussed it, in the least, before.