This editorial in this paper could really use some comments from Alipac. You don't have to sign up, just post, although the posts take some time to show up. Maybe we can wake some people up.

COUNTRY: How can Congress go on like this?
Posted: Sunday, Jul 20, 2008 - 08:47:08 pm PDT
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I am troubled about the current and future condition of this country. One of my major concerns, among many, is the attitude and intelligence of the electorate as a whole. We now have a Congress with a 9 percent approval rating, but will probably reelect most of those mentally deficient members. There is an old saying "as you have sown so shall you reap" (Marcus T. Cicero about 40BC). It appears we are now reaping that which the electorate has sown.

I am amazed about how many people I speak to who are totally unaware of the details of our problems with energy, the national debit, trade imbalance, value of the dollar, immigration and education.

We have had Democratic Congress for going on four years and its accomplishments are for all practical purposes nonexistent. They all know about the illegal immigrant problem but do nothing. Why do we not a have a workable, enforceable guest worker program that would allow sufficient migrant workers needed to meet the needs of agriculture without amnesty for those here illegally?

Do I need to mention the lack of intelligence on the oil problem?

How can their constituents keep re-electing the likes Congresswoman Pelosi and Senator Reed? They are certainly not leaders.

We the voters must get off our butts and research our candidates so as to put in Congress people with integrity and common sense. It is tough to do but absolutely necessary if we are to survive as the number one nation in the world.


Hayden ... tter10.txt