I haven't been a member of this group long enough to know if media reports on illegal immigration are a regular topic of discussion. However, I want to say that, if nobody else has noticed, some of the coverage has been very slanted. I listen mostly to National Public Radio, and I've been shocked by the near-complete omission of commentary or reporting on opposition to illegal immigrant amnesty. There are lots of glowing reports on "grass roots" immigrant activism, and uncritical interviews with the activists. There are statements presented as fact like "economists agree that the presence of undocumented workers is good for the economy." There is widespread use of the word "immigration" to refer to legal and illegal immigration as if the terms were interchangeable. I've been wearing out my keyboard emailing "All Things Considered," "Day To Day" and "Morning Edition" as well as the NPR Ombudsman, but I don't know if it's doing any good.

There are definitely some talking points we who oppose illegal immigrant invasion should work up. We need quick responses to the following assertions from politicians, alien advocates and the news media:

*Illegal Immigrants Come Here To Escape Desperate Poverty
*Illegal Immigration Is Good for The Economy
*Illegals Take Jobs That Americans Won't To Do
*Undocumented Workers Help Keep Grocery Prices Down
*The Immigration Movement Is The Same As The Civil Rights Movement
*America's Economy Would Collapse Without Illegal Immigrants
*There Are So Many Illegal Immigrants Here, We Can't Deport Them All
*Opposing Illegal Immigration Is Racist
*Illegal Immigration Is Our Fault Because of NAFTA
*Illegal Immigration Happens Because Our Legal Immigration Process Is Too Slow
*Illegal Immigrants Aren't Islamic Terrorists So We Shouldn't Fear Them
*Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes Just Like Everyone Else

Each and every one of us needs to be able to respond firmly and coherently to these arguments. And without using profanity, I should add (I know it's tempting). Any ideas for quick responses?
