MY Radio station sent a series of questions (to be posted at a later time) to Dallas Mayoral candidate Zac Crain. Mixed into the questions were two on the illegal immigration issue. He responded to both that he is not "anti-immigrant" the questions and his responses are below. I plan on sending him a few rebuttal questions to some of this many points.

What I want is for you guys to suggest some questions using facts to show this mayor candidate what citizens are really thinking.

RR: Farmers Branch, TX is considering passing proposals aimed at stopping the towns influx of illegal aliens and rising crime rate. The propsals include punishing employers and property owners who knowingly hire/rent to illegal aliens and making English the towns official langauge. If elected Mayor of Dallas would you support or oppose this propsal?

ZC: I would neither support or oppose it since it's a Farmers Branch issue. If you're asking would I be interested in passing similar proposals here in Dallas, then no. I'm all for lowering the crime rate, but I think it's extremely short-sighted to blame our crime woes on illegal aliens. I'm sure the numbers would bear me out. As for stopping the influx of illegal aliens, to me, that's like trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube. It seems like it would be more prudent to come up with solutions to help those people become legal. Because, sure, there are probably some criminals among their numbers. But that's true for most groups of people. Most of those illegal aliens, the only thing they've done illegal is actually moving here.


RR: Some cities and counties are applying for Immigration and Customs Enforcement training so that they can have the power to move forward with illegal aliens arrested for crimes. This training is available to local jurisdictions so that they can move on deportation processes instead of waiting on ICE. Many local citizens have cites recent criminal aliens arrested after numerous crimes as a reason to give this training to our police. Would you as Mayor consider this training? Why or Why not?

ZC: We're talking about convicted criminals, yes? Speeding up the deportation process? Then, sure, that's not a bad idea. I don't like the training as the means to this end: Dallas becoming an anti-immigrant city. Part of that strikes me as a roving gestapo looking for people's papers. Anti-crime: yes! Anti-immigrant: no.