Check your paper products, buy from Kimberly Clark because the illegals won't. I don't know how much impact the boycott is having but the various Aztlan etc. sites are touting to boycott KC products, among others.
Jon Garrido, an Arizona entrepreneur and publisher, is leading an effort to boycott Kimberly-Clark paper products, such as Kleenex, Huggies, Scott towels, and Depends, since Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner, who is a leader in immigration reform measures, is an heir to the Kimberly-Clark fortune. According to a website sponsored by Garrido (, who has developed sites for Wal-Mart and administered Federal housing grants, Sensenbrenner is the “author/sponsor of HR 4437 which would turn 11 million undocumented immigrants into felons, punish anyone guilty of providing them assistance, and construct an iron wall between the US and Mexico. “ The website goes on to urge Latinos to boycott Kimberly-Clark goods in the US and Latin America and to contact everyone they know about the connection between Congressman Sensenbrenner and the paper products manufacturer.
Gives me a crazy idea. When you drive by dayworker areas or anywhere illegals are congregating just wave Kleenex tissues or paper towels, those illegals "in the know" will "understand" the message.