Piers Morgan thinks a tyrannical U.S. government is impossible, and it doesn’t matter anyway because they’d just nuke us all


Piers Morgan has finally said something so stupid, it could’ve come out of the mouth of Larry King.

Morgan is obviously still filled with helpless shame after losing that gun-control debate to Ben Shapiro, because he’s still coming up with stuff he thinks he should’ve said that night.

That’s why, instead of keeping it to himself, he delighted us all with this:
America has over 5000 nuclear warheads. Quite hard to defend against a ‘tyrannical U.S. government’ with that kind of firepower. #GetReal

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 13, 2013
Piers Morgan thinks a tyrannical U.S. government is impossible, and it doesn't matter anyway because they'd just nuke us all | The Daily Caller