Here is another one of his speaches from the floor of Congress On July the 13th

1605 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202.225.6565
Fax: 202.225.5547
Mr. Speaker, America has the best public universities in the world. We have some of the best ones in Texas where I am from. Many Americans want to go to college. Parents want to send their kids to our public universities. Parents and students sometimes save for years to attend college. It is expensive, especially for the middle class. The rich can always pay; good for them. And the poor sometimes get grants and go to college, but it is the middle class that struggles, for a lifetime, sometimes, to send their kids to school.

Some students decide to go a university in another State. They are penalized by that State and required to pay out-of-State tuition since they are from out of State.

Citizens from other countries apply for Visas to come to the United States to go to public universities. If they are accepted, they pay out-of-State tuition since they are from out of State. These are citizens who come here legally and then go back to their native lands.

But, Mr. Speaker, if a person is in the United States illegally, they can get admitted to State universities and pay in-State tuition. So if a person is illegally here from, let us say, France, they apply to a State university. If they are admitted, they pay in-State tuition. But they are from out of State, not to mention they should not even be here. They are violating American law by just their presence.

So we continue to reward illegal behavior. This policy discriminates against American kids who want to go to, let us say, the University of Kansas from some other State. This policy also discriminates against foreign citizens who come here legally to go to college. It encourages more illegal immigration.

College admissions are so competitive now that even allowing illegals to attend our universities may prevent American citizens from being accepted. And who pays for this nonsense? Americans pay. They always pay. We cannot continue to subsidize illegal immigration and the benefits illegals receive.

There are several States that provide for in-State tuition for illegal individuals. The State that started this was my home State of Texas. If you go to the University of Texas and you are an in-State resident, you pay about $7,000. If you are from Oklahoma just across the Red River, you pay $10,000 more, about $17,000.

Kansas, if you are an in-State resident, you pay about $5,000. Out of State, about $13,000, and the same is true in several other States.

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State University of New York: In State, $5,250; out of State, $11,200. University of Kansas: In State, $5,413, out of State, $13,865. University of Texas: In State, $7,438; out of State, $17,474.

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Mr. Speaker, this ought not to be. This penalizes American kids and rewards illegal conduct. This defies common sense.