ow that we have a Democrat mayority in the House and the Senate, and a Pro-amnesty president. We must spread the word to all we can that amensty will be proposed by Congress. Polls have shown that the great majority of people opose amnesty (http://www.numbersusa.com/interests/publicop.html). Even the majority of Democrats opose amnesty. That is why it is being presented as "comprehensive". They don't dare to call it what it is, Amensty.

According to news sources, the Democrat mayority will push for immigration reform next year under the name of "comprehensive". We must do all we can to inform and educate people that the Kennedy-McCain bill is Amnesty.

OUR PLAN: I will send you a brief summary of the most negative aspects of the Kennedy-McCain "comprehensive" bill. Some of those are, that illegals would only have to pay 3 out of the last 5 years in back taxes, or that our border security will have to be approved by the government of Mexico. The main stream media have hid this from the public. This summary will be fotocopied by you and kept near you were ever you go. Spend what you can. This will not take time away from your normal activities. But it will take advantage of them. If you go to the market, gas station, the doctor, the movies, and have time to spare, take a few minutes of your time and start the awakening. Use our spare time to share this information with the common public. They must be exposed to the truth. Also, take the opportunity to have a conversation with them and answer their questions. It seems to me that our group is seen by others as self contained. Lets show the common american that we think about this subject the same way they do. Lets show them we are not as the media has shown us to be.

Time is tiking! Pass this plan to all you know so that the awakening against AMNESTY starts before Congress pushes this thru.