Hey Everyone!

I just received a call from our very own 2ndAmendSis!
She is in DC and called with an update for all of us!

They have all been very busy and the energy level there is very high!
She wanted to let you all know that they are working very hard. She is there with William, Dixie, Laurie, Anne and Kate and OliverMyBoy.
Sis says everyone is fabulous and working very hard for our cause.

She has been encouraging people there to meet with the bloggers on bloggers row. Encouraging is the polite way of saying she is dragging them there with a smile on her insistant face!!! But it is all good natured and she has snagged some pretty good interviews!

She ran into Gary Brugman, the border agent recently released from prison. He is yet another border patrol agent accused by DA Sutton. He was willing to meet with a blogger and tell his story thanks to a little persuasion from SIS. Dixie and Laurie were able to get video of this interview.

William had an interview with Terry Anderson at midnight last night.

Sis also met with an immigration attorney that is in the process of suing police departments to make them enforce the law.

One of the media types that came to meet with the bloggers caught Sis's attention. She was Latino and Sis went and introduced herself and asked this media person who she was and who she was there representing. The woman told her she was there from Telemundo, who as you all know have agendas and securing our borders and stopping the illegal invasion is not among them. Sis, being the ball of energy that she is escourted the reported over to a lovely corner of the room and asked her to wait patiently and that William would come and give her an interview. The lady waited none to patiently (lol) until finally leaving her corner and found a cuban blogger who is a legal immigrant and works with us in attempting to get the border secured. She began to speak to him in Spanish. Sis immediatly informed her that the blogger row area was an English only area...Gotta love that SIS!

While resting under a tree and minding her own business, Sis told me that a young man approached her and started to call her a racist. Mind you, she was simply sitting under a tree resting. She kept her cool and started to question how he could possibly know that she is a racist? What she had done to cause that hate filled spew? He ran away saying he wasn't going to answer her questions. Sounds familiar?

The atmosphere there seems excited and energetic and enthusiastic

Duncan Hunter has agreed to be interviewed by a blogger and so has Representative Steve King of Iowa! Sis has been busy!

Sis also met Ignacio Ramos' Father and wife Monica who are there to attend the fundraser for both Ramos and Compean.

Kate and Sis also had a very nice conversation with Frosty Woolridge who is a great writer and awesome supporter of our fight to secure America.

More later...our phone call was cut short.
When I hear more, I will pass it along to all of you!