Currently pending in Nashville are three bills concerning illegal immigration. If passed, one requires employers to check the immigration status of all new hires, another mandates that local police departments check the immigration status of people they routinely stop, and the third directs state and local agencies to check the immigration status of people who are applying for food stamps and other public assistance.

Tennessee Lawful Employment Act (HB 1378/SB 1669): Requires employers to check the immigration status of all new hires using the federal government’s E-Verify system. Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act (HB 1379/SB 1325): Requires government agencies to check the status of people who apply for public assistance.

Lawful Immigration Enforcement Act (HB 1380/SB 780): Directs state and local police to check the immigration status of people they stop.

...when any law enforcement officer acting in the enforcement of any state law or local ordinance makes a lawful stop or detention of a person for a violation of a state law or local ordinance, and the officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the person stopped or detained is unlawfully present in the Untied States, the officer shall request verification of the immigration status of such person from federal immigration authorities...

The issue behind the debate is, as always: who is to pay for this? Local governments, employers, police departments of limited resources: there is no answer to be found in the legislation. To date, no satisfactory answer has come forward from Rep. Carr, the sponsor of the trio.