Workers Comp For Babysitters And 20 Other Reasons Why California Is Stupid

September 2nd, 2011
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Is there any other state that is as stupid as California? Unemployment in California has been sitting at about 12 percent for an extended period of time, and yet they continue to push businesses out of the state by imposing thousands of ridiculous regulations on them and by taxing them into oblivion. Now California is even requiring workers comp for babysitters and paid vacation for nannies. How insane is that? The state government in Sacramento is flat broke and drowning in debt and yet they continue to spend gobs of money on some of the most frivolous things imaginable. Poverty and crime are everywhere, yet California continues to pass legislation that encourages even more illegal immigrants to come in. Unless you have a really, really good reason to stay in the state, it seems rather stupid to stay in California at this point. The economy is in shambles, home prices continue to fall, traffic is worse than ever, crime is rising and poverty is everywhere. Meanwhile, entire portions of the state could be leveled by the next big earthquake at any time. So why in the world would anyone still want to live in California?

Unfortunately, the truth is that the "California Dream" is rapidly becoming a nightmare. The "California" that The Beach Boys and The Mamas & The Papas once sang about is long gone. (Sadly, many of my young readers probably will not even get that reference).

At this point, California has become the land of the idiots. Just check out what a recent Fox News article said would be required in California under a new law....

Under AB 889, household “employersâ€