A government site.

To become a citizen isn't one supposed to be able to speak passable English?

If not, how would the majority of citizens be able to conduct business with a federal bureaucracy? How would co-workers or a supervisor interact with the non-English speaker?

On the linked-to site I do not see ANY other non-English language having a link to pages written in Espanol!!!!

"Your career in the U.S. Government starts here!
¿Habla Español? Para saber más de las oportunidades de empleo, iniciativas, y novedades."

How do you say "Yes, we the people will obey you, master"?

Bow down to our elite overlords!!!! How long until the enforcement lackeys of the elites, the proverbial jack-booted thugs, seek out those such as I and thee and use federal law to silence us?

I fear the day will come.

Kinda' curious though, as to what percentage of the fed's thugs coming for me will have little Mexican flags sewn on their sleeves and will be ordering me to hit the floor as their automatic weapons are ready to remove another mouthy commoner unwilling to obey his masters?