From: ImmigrationWorks USA (

ImmigrationWorks USA invites you to a day-long strategy session and lobby day


Join the business grassroots campaign for immigration reform

WHEN June 15, 2009, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

WHERE Marriott Washington, 1221 22nd Street, NW

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Employers for immigration reform

Business owners who rely on immigrant workers

Trade association executives who represent them

Citizens who believe immigrants are good for America

Mounting evidence suggests that the administration and Congress will make a push to pass immigration reform in 2009, despite the recession. But even with large Democratic majorities in Congress, there can be no hope of enacting new law without Republicans and centrist Democrats. And there can be no hope of mobilizing these lawmakers without vocal support from employers who hire immigrants.

Business owners from across America are gathering in Washington to launch a national advocacy campaign. We’ll discuss our must-haves – what do employers need in a bill? We’ll coordinate strategy – grasstops tactics in the states and a national grassroots mobilization, using the new media to build an army of engaged, informed employers ready to make their views known to Congress.

It’s time to launch a national campaign – business owners standing up for what we need in an immigration bill.

Come to Washington to plan. Come to Washington to build. Come to Washington to make your voice heard with like-minded others from across America.

If you are INTERESTED IN ATTENDING, please email

We encourage you to STAY OVER in Washington and meet with your representatives on June 16.

To RESERVE A ROOM at the Marriott Washington, call 800 393-3053 starting Tuesday, May 12.