William posted a thread and no one's coming across! C'mon you guys. If you can't afford much I know you can afford the price of a McDonald's meal! $5.....$10......$20, anything you can spare! If you haven't visited diggersrealm visit it now:

Help Send Digger To DC To Lobby Congress Against Illlegal Immigration!

That's right, you can send my butt to DC to lobby Congress to end illegal immigration.

The Hold Their Feet To The Fire Amnesty Alamo event is scheduled for April 22-25 and I have been pulling my hair out (and I shave my head cuz I'm balding!) trying to figure a way to get there. They need bloggers to cover the event and they have contacted me directly asking if I can make it.

Supporters of illegal immigration have millions of dollars fighting against your best interests. Unfortunately, I don't have those kind of deep pockets and that's where you come in!

I know you all love me and you love America! That's right, I'm going for the patriotic angle here. I've never directly asked for donations unless it was for someone else. Well now I'm asking for your donation to help save America!

I know a lot of you are against illegal aliens and illegal immigration. I also know a lot of you don't have the time to confront this issue headon with a complex daily schedule. Well think of me as your "Carbon credits" against illegal immigration. I need to raise money to make the trip.

I will go to DC to represent you, since more than likely your Representatives are not properly standing up for you on this issue.

I will go to DC to cover the whole event and report back to you in plain language what is really going on in our nation's capitol.

I will go to DC to stop illegal immigration.

So please donate what you can, time is running short and I'm really amped to get down there and confront some people on why they are allowing our nation to be destroyed!
(Donations handled by PayPal, Credit Cards Accepted)

The event includes such great groups as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), NumbersUSA, The Dustin Inman Society, Minuteman Civil Defense Corp, over 30 radio talk shows and bloggers such as The Freedom Folks and Save Our State (you can see the full list here)

Help me to go down there and Hold Their Feet To The Fire!

Thank you in advance.

- Digger

(In the event donations exceed what is required I promise you that I will keep those funds available only for fighting illegal immigration, supporting this site and all other websites that I put together regarding illegal immigration)

Here's an update:

Send Digger To DC Update - I Still Need Your Help

I have received a few donations since announcing the "Send Digger To DC" campaign, but I still need your help.

I'd like to thank those of you who have donated, I really appreciate it and have already put plans in motion to head to DC. Trust me, I won't be living in a lap of luxury off of your donations, I will be doing this bare bones. I'm going to drive down from upstate New York - not fly - in order to use as little as possible and am looking at the most inexpensive locations to stay.

For a little more on me see my bio page. I've never been someone who does something half assed. When I make a decision to do something it is full assed all the way!

So if you can, I ask you to drop a few dollars in to help support the fight against illegal immigration. Even $5 will put a Big Mac in my stomach to fuel the body as I march outside the White House demanding that our immigration laws be enforced and that no amnesty be given to illegal aliens.

So put a Big Mac in my belly!
(Donations handled by PayPal, Credit Cards Also Accepted)

A larger donation can help cover the costs of my room where I'll store my arsenal of equipment, including my digital camera, pads of paper and pens to document and cover the events and confrontations with congressional representatives and anyone else I can corner to get an answer. I'll also be teaming up with other bloggers headed to DC including the Freedom Folks who put together those great Blogs For Borders Video Bursts.

So donate today and help me stop illegal immigration!

If you'd like to see the type of in-depth coverage I can put together head over to Our Family Adventure where I documented and reported my trip across the United States with my family a while back.

If you just don't have the financial situation to make a donation you can help out by spreading the word. Feel free to copy and use the "Send Digger To DC" logo above (don't hotlink it. Save it and put it on your server, I have hotlinking detection that replaces hotlinked images with a "stolen image"). You can link it to my main "Send Digger To DC" page.

And again I thank you in advance.

Here's an update!

Send Digger To DC Update - I Still Need Your Help

I have received a few donations since announcing the "Send Digger To DC" campaign, but I still need your help.

I'd like to thank those of you who have donated, I really appreciate it and have already put plans in motion to head to DC. Trust me, I won't be living in a lap of luxury off of your donations, I will be doing this bare bones. I'm going to drive down from upstate New York - not fly - in order to use as little as possible and am looking at the most inexpensive locations to stay.

For a little more on me see my bio page. I've never been someone who does something half assed. When I make a decision to do something it is full assed all the way!
So if you can, I ask you to drop a few dollars in to help support the fight against illegal immigration. Even $5 will put a Big Mac in my stomach to fuel the body as I march outside the White House demanding that our immigration laws be enforced and that no amnesty be given to illegal aliens.

So put a Big Mac in my belly!
(Donations handled by PayPal, Credit Cards Also Accepted)

A larger donation can help cover the costs of my room where I'll store my arsenal of equipment, including my digital camera, pads of paper and pens to document and cover the events and confrontations with congressional representatives and anyone else I can corner to get an answer. I'll also be teaming up with other bloggers headed to DC including the Freedom Folks who put together those great Blogs For Borders Video Bursts.

So donate today and help me stop illegal immigration!

If you'd like to see the type of in-depth coverage I can put together head over to Our Family Adventure where I documented and reported my trip across the United States with my family a while back.

If you just don't have the financial situation to make a donation you can help out by spreading the word. Feel free to copy and use the "Send Digger To DC" logo above (don't hotlink it. Save it and put it on your server, I have hotlinking detection that replaces hotlinked images with a "stolen image"). You can link it to my main "Send Digger To DC" page.

And again I thank you in advance.

William's original thread:
http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... 228#334228