As illegal and legal immigrants alike seem to want a star spangled banner, perhaps a message needs to be sent to the illegals that they understand. As such, "No mas", a term Sugar Lay Leonard made popular when he dominated an opponent in the ring, seems like an appropriate response. They ask, "Who will do the work we do?". The answer is, We do. If I'm paying an illegal to mow my lawn, buying roses from the side of the road, paying them to wash my car, I'm part of the problem. If enough people say no mas to enabling illegal immigration, there will be enough of an economic sanction that they will be forced to go home.

From my own experience, and for the first time in 25 years, I now own a lawn mower, and already wash my own cars. The property management company I rent from was not happy with my response. Now imagine if half of their properties responded that way. We are a big part of the problem.

In the 70s and 80s, kids and students were encouraged to mow a few lawns for cash or to get part time jobs. There's no reason, as responsible parents that we couldn't encourage our kids to earn a little of their cash, and with that, begin to understand the value of money. And for those who don't want to do their own work, a simple want add will also suffice. "American Gardener wanted. Illegals no mas"