We all know Senator Jeff Sessions is an ALIPAC hero. If Republicans have 51 seats in the Senate, he would move up to Chairman of the Judiciary Committee where immigration matters are introduced. It is possible as Rasmussen Reports:

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... e_of_power

Election 2010: Senate Balance Of Power
Senate Balance of Power: Dems 48 GOP 46 Toss-Ups 6
Monday, October 25, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThis.Advertisement
New polling in Connecticut has now moved that senate race to Solid Democratic from Leans Democratic in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Balance of Power rankings.

Republicans have the edge in three Democratic-held Senate seats--Arkansas, Indiana, and North Dakota. (Also W. Virginia and Wisconsin lean GOP)

At the moment, no Republican-held seats appear headed for the Democratic column.

Current projections suggest that the Democrats would hold 48 seats after Election Day while the Republicans would hold 46. Six states are in the Toss-Up category (California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Washington). All six Toss-Ups are seats currently held by Democrats.


As I investigated further the GOP is ahead by 2 to 4 points in four of the above seats, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, if the GOP won them they would have 50 Senate seats.

The Dems are 2 points ahead in California and Washington after being down earlier in the year. If one of them could be reversed the GOP would have 51 seats and Jeff Sessions would be in.

Should we be calling voters in these six states, and especially in CA and WA, to try and get Sessions in?