I am new to this site, but I think we all have a common goal in mind here and I believe that to be preserving what's left of our beloved country by putting an end to the illegal immigration crisis. However, to truly fight an issue people need to know of a source and that source is the Nican Tlaca Mexica Movement. I haven't scoured the forums deep enough to see if this subject is mentioned, but from what I've seen it isn't at the forefront of any mentioning lately and it really needs to be! The whole Nican Tlaca Mexica Movement, for those who don't know, states that the North American Continent was stolen from the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere, they are trying to reclaim their lands and do not recognize any borders since the Europeans are the ones that are here illegally. This rhetoric give illegal aliens justification to come here illegally. I find it very odd that there is no mention of this in these forums! If I am wrong then I apologize, but truly this is the real source of the issues in which we all stand against. I urge each of you to google Nican Tlaca and then try to find something against it.