What will become of the United States?
James Corsi May 19, 2006

President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy.

Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada.

President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming, much as the European Union has formed.
what will become of the United States .... article continues on

I think you need to follow these links in this post and get informed.

I have called Tancredo's Team America office and the questions I posed they did not have answers I wanted to hear. It would appear bush is truly above the law at this time. Attempts to gather evidence to impeach are blocked with "national security" issues.

I was told that we must flood the House and Senate with our protests and demand that reform bill not be passed. I asked if we even had a democracy anymore. Her response, “That’s debatable.”

I think there are a lot of dangerous details in the Senate Bill besides the fact the U.S. must get permission from Vincente Fox. Which was Dodd not Spectre. The clause is at the bottom of this post.

The National Id is in that document complete with specifications for all ten fingers to be finger printed it appears to apply to aliens only but must by default also apply to citizens who travel across the border. I didn't see what happens if you refuse.

There are provisions for training state and city officials in immigration law and for reimbursing States for the cost of such actions. States need to report every six months to the DHS but there is also a disclaimer stating that nothing in that section supersedes states rights. So it is optional I guess if cities or states participate. IT is definately a large document which seems to conflict on some things.

(a) In General- Beginning on October 1, 2007, an alien (other than a national of Mexico) who is attempting to illegally enter the United States and who is apprehended at a United States port of entry or along the international land and maritime border of the United States shall be detained until removed or a final decision granting admission has been determined, unless the alien--
Team America's head of research will be calling me Tuesday with regard to the possibility the States could reform the Republic. IF the "immigration reform" billl gets through; I think from what I read States will be allowing their rights to be nullified just as our Bill of Rights has been legislated away over the past few years.

After reading some of those sections of the Senate version I am very concerned for the safety of the MM on the border. Their presence on the border constructing fences could put them in violation of Bush's law. Other sections imply that they may be trained. This thing is very conflicting.

I frankly think if we have a slim chance of saving this country 270,000,000 people need to show up in Washington this weekend or Memorial Day will in the future for those of us who remember it be a time of grief for the nation that was and will be no more.

Here is an article on the smoke Palosi and Co are blowing in our faces.

GOP LEADERS LOOSE CONTROL OF THE HOUSE (there goes any chance that the right people will be selected to take a firm stand and refuse to compromise. http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=15197
Here is the blueprint for our future.

Building the North American Community CSR report

If you have not done research on England or Australia I suggest you start doing it very quickly. England is in advanced stages of a police state. Cars equiped with boxes that can be controlled via satelite that can be stopped on command by some winkie pushing a button, cameras on every street corner and more, scanners in the subways and airports that define the buttocks of those scanned. There personal guns have been collected and destroyed. The citizens of that country are at the mercy of the criminals who didn't register thier guns. Need I go on? Australia is behind us but they too have lost their guns and are suffering with an increase in crime.

The internet and our guns are on the next agenda. I am dead serious about this people. WE NEED TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY and no one appears to know how to do that including our congress.

Fifty years of planning and then sneaking up on us leaves us with little time to absorb what is happening let alone defend against it.

Senator Dodd's S.Amdt.4089 contains the following language:

(b) CONSULTATION REQUIREMENT.--Consultations between United States and Mexican authorities at the federal, state, and local levels concerning the construction of additional fencing and related border security structures along the United States-Mexico border shall be undertaken prior to commencing any new construction, in order to solicit the views of affected communities, lessen tensions and foster greater understanding and stronger cooperation on this and other important issues of mutual concern.