Friends of ALIPAC,

Thanks to your efforts, our ground-breaking release regarding WikiLeaks documents showing a high level government official secretly plotting the merger of nations on this continent is spreading!

As of this morning, our national press release has been read over 9,000 times on the ALIPAC site alone, and thanks to our activist network it appears on more than 386 websites according to Google.

We are very excited that World Net Daily is now reporting our findings and this is an important step in the effort to get the word out.

While no major media networks are reporting on this scandal yet, our momentum is growing and we can break through, if you continue to help us push.

It is imperative that we do all we can to help as many Americans as possible have access to this once secret information! The more people who understand that illegal immigration is part of a broader effort to subvert America, the better chance we have of stopping both illegal immigration and this union or integration plan.

Please read, understand, and circulate the World Net Daily article on this matter. Please send copies to your lawmakers, email contacts, local media, favorite talk radio shows, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, InfoWars, DrudgeReport, etc....

Here is the World Net Daily Article to circulate....

WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' No 'Theory'

You can follow the links at the bottom of each item on our homepage to see the original source links or to make a comment. Your comments are logged online at, where they are eventually seen by thousands of people and a record of your reactions is captured for prosperity.

Let's push hard to get this news article out today!