Hey folks,

We do not need to worry about this bailout. I heard Obama talking on TV today and he said that we the taxpayers are going to get most or all of this money back! We might even make a profit! And if not, he is prepared to slap a tax on Wall Street to make up for it.

So, no worries folks, that 700 Billion is just a loan on top of some bad loans to pay for some other loans to Global investors.

The answers were so simple that we must have overlooked them. All the American economy needs to avoid a new Great Depression and Global economic meltdown is more credit and debt.

More credit and debt art the answers for all our troubles.

It was so simple, we just need to do more of the same that got us to this point to move forward.

Whew, I feel so relieved now that I know why our wise rulers have chosen this course of action.