Since I know that many of you no doubt lurk on this site, I want to say a few things to you.

Americans are NOT responsible for the fact that your parent/parents came here illegally and brought you with them. This is an unfortunate situation for sure, but it is NOT the fault of everyday Americans. We did not invite your parents to come here and we definitely do not wish they to stay.

Everyday Americans are the ones who will FOOT the bill for the benefits you will receive under this bill. It is enough that Americans are suffering from unemployment and a bad economy -- we do NOT need the additional burden of paying more in taxes so you can derive benefits like guaranteed in-state tuition. NONE Of US could ever "dream" of such a benefit growing up in this United States, even if WE ourselves were poor and from the lower economic rungs. If we wanted to go out of state we had to PAY for it!!!

So many of you need to reverse your mindsets, go back to your home countries, and make life better for the people there, restore your cities and towns, your government, and CREATE your OWN DREAMS in your own countries. It is not YOUR place to come in and trample on the laws of this land to demand something for yourselves. You did not build this country -- Americans did. You did not fight and die for the freedom here ...Americans did. You have NO loyalty to this country -- you only want to benefit from it. Your demands are DESPICABLE and you need to man up and GO HOME.

Now, if you want to get in LINE, do it right, wait like everyone else, respect our laws and apply for citizenship the right way -- we will WELCOME you with open arms. That is the true AMERICAN WAY. But NOBODY deserves preferential treatment and NOBODY is above the law of this great land.

If this act passes, I as an American will do EVERYTHING in my power to see it defunded and most of all, DISRESPECTED for the garbage it is country comes FIRST -- not a specific group,, race or ethnicity people need to learn that concept FIRST, before you are EVER considered worthy enough to be called Americans!!!!!!!!!!