So, everyone wants to be just like Oklahoma as far as the illegal immigration laws passed last year, better known as HB1804? Well pull up a chair. According to the above article, there has not been one arrest due to HB1804 in Oklahoma. The "law makers" have sliced and diced this law until there is nothing left. In order to be arrested you will have to compete with the Guiness Book of World Records to see how many illegals you can fit in a vehicle. Then make sure it's high noon as you drive through the middle of town in your clown costume honking your clown horn.

Are you here illegally and want to go home for a vacation? How about Cinco De Mayo? No black out dates! Just walk into any Oklahoma Police Station and tell them you need an all expense paid trip back to your native country. We'll accomodate you! After your done with your vacation, just slip back over the border.

O.K. Your in Oklahoma illegally, have raped a couple of kids on your week of assorted crimes and Oklahoma wants to deport you butt back to where you came from. WHAT?! Your home country won't take you back? That's O.K., we'll pay for your room and board until we can find a country that WILL take you. That includes, meals, laundry, air conditioning, and I'm sure we can fit at least one ESPN Channel in.

So next time you hear someone singing the praises of Oklahoma's HB1804, let them know a law is ONLY as good as the enforcement. AND that's IF a Federal Judge doesn't jump up and yell, "Unconstitutional!". Myself, I think we could have spent the money more efficiently but what do I know. ... henu983205