America, please help us pile on this piece of garbage who is supposed to represent the interests of American citizens, not criminals from other countries. If we could get rid of him and Congressman David Wu of Oregon, we might not continue following California over the cliff.

He was actually fairly principled until he went to DC. Now he's just a Kool Aid drinking kook who tows the party line, no matter how wrong.

Even if you're not an Oregonian, please visit the website and proclaim your disdain for his type; rich, isolated sellouts! If you are Oregonian or know someone who lives here, please pass this info onto him/her.

Here's more about the dishonorable Ron Wyden -
March 21, 2009

Oregonians For Immigration Reform members and supporters:

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden has voted at least 7 times, from 1997 to 2007, to amnesty illegal aliens.

Senator Wyden has voted to give retroactive Social Security benefits to illegal aliens.

Senator Wyden has voted to require the U.S. government to consult with the Mexican government before we could build a fence along our own border. That vote essentially would have ceded our sovereignty to the Mexican government.

Senator Wyden voted to kill an amendment that would have extended the E-verify program for 5 more years immediatley after proclaiming his support for e-Verify at a recent Oregon Town Hall meeting. In doing so Wyden has failed American workers.

[color=red][b]Senator Wyden has an “Fâ€