From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 28MAR07 2:15 p.m. EDT

If your Rep. doesn't sign this letter to Speaker Pelosi, he/she is probably considering an amnesty


Is your U.S. Representative on the letter going to Speaker Pelosi at the end of the week to urge her to oppose any amnesty effort in the House?

Please call today and ask.

Capitol Switchboard

I know that many of you are being told by Senate and House staffers that their boss absolutely won't be supporting an amnesty. But in many of those cases, we have evidence that that Member of Congress is actually telling other Members that he/she may support an amnesty compromise.

There are many ways to know that a person is a definite Amnesty Champion. You can check their Profiles and Grade Cards and see the amnesties they are sponsoring.

But there has not been a good way to pin down who is actually committed against an amnesty ...

... until this letter to House Speaker Pelosi.

It looks like the letter will be sent this weekend. So, your Representative has only a short time to be listed as a definite opponent of amnesty.


Be polite and quick with your call to the congressional office. Here are some of the points and questions you may ask:

1. Has Rep. xmxmx signed the letter to Speaker Pelosi urging opposition to any amnesties for illegal aliens?

2. (If the answer is "no" or "don't know," tell the staffer to get more information on the letter from Emily in Rep. Bilbray's office.)

3. Nobody in our District can have any assurance that Rep. xmxmxm will vote against an amnesty unless he/she signs this letter.

4. The news media and internet are filled with reports that a backroom agreement on an amnesty is right around the corner. If Rep. xmxmxm's name is not on that letter, I have to assume that he/she is staying favorable to this backroom amnesty deal.

5. NumbersUSA says everybody who signs the letter will see their amnesty grade rise on the Immigration Report Card.

6. Don't let Rep. xmxmxm go home on the spring break this weekend without signing.

Emphasize the urgency of getting the name on the letter before the weekend.


The good news is that around 80 Members of the House have already signed this letter.

The bad news is that it will take 218 votes to stop the amnesty.

At this moment we are not sure of all the signers. So, everybody just needs to call their own Rep. If your Rep. has already signed the letter, that gives you a chance to thank the staffer when you are told.

Pretty quickly this afternoon, we should have the list and will make it available to you on your Action Buffet corkboard.


As I send this, there is a fax for everybody to send.

But soon we will have subtracted all the people who already have signed the letter. If you don't find the fax, that means your Representative is a Good Guy/Gal and has signed.
in this email:
1. What to say on phone when asking own Representative to sign NO AMNESTY letter

2. Who has signed?

3. Open-Borders activists have designated today[ and Thursday as their national phone days. They are outnumbering us. Please counteract.

4. Text of letter to Speaker Pelosi
actions in brief:
1. Go to your Action Buffet and SEND FAX urging your Representative to sign NO AMNESTY letter to Pelosi.

2. Phone your Representative and emphasize the importance of signing the NO AMNESTY letter to Pelosi this week.


3. Phone your Senator and ask him/her to start a letter like the one in the House
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Today and Thursday have been designated by the Open Borders groups as:

National Call In Day

They are concentrating their members' efforts to create an image of a huge national movement to pass the STRIVE Act -- the amnesty sponsored by Guttierez/Flake.

Alerts sent to Open Borders activists complain that you all have "INUNDATED" Congress "with Anti-Immigration Calls" ever since the Guttierez/Flake amnesty was announced.

So, after a week of overwhelming opposition calls to the amnesty, the congressional offices today have been hearing almost entirely from the pro-amnesty people -- and are slated to on Thursday, as well.

Starting now, and through the week, please make sure that your congressman's and senator's offices hear mostly from anti-amnesty constituents.

Call now.


The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
U.S. House of Representatives
Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Pelosi:

We are Democratic and Republican Members who are united in asking you not to bring amnesty legislation to the House floor.

Citizenship is the greatest honor and responsibility our country can offer. Millions of people around the world play by the rules, obey the law, and often wait years for the opportunity to legally immigrate.

When Congress granted permanent residence to millions of illegal immigrants in 1986, we required them to wait, pay a fine, and “learn” English. The result was legally and publicly recognized as amnesty.

Amnesty hurts vulnerable American workers, burdens American taxpayers, and rewards lawbreakers. It encourages more illegal immigration. And it tells all those who have patiently waited abroad for their turn to come to the United States that they are foolish.

The United States has the most generous legal immigration system in the world. We should take the side of American workers and taxpayers, legal immigrants and the rule of law. Please oppose any effort to put illegal immigrants on the path to amnesty.
