More Truth About Flake-Guitierrez

H.R. 1645: Flake-Gutierrez Bill, The Strive Act Is AMNESTY

Without a shadow of a doubt, the Strive Act is amnesty for the 12 million illegal aliens in this country. Penalties for breaking the law by entering this country illegally are erased and eventual United States citizenship is granted.

These falsehoods are being posited by proponents to sell the bill:

Falsehood #1: ‘Touch back’ provisions prevent H.R. 1645 from being an ‘amnesty’ bill.

Truth: ‘Touch back’ is very much amnesty. ‘Touch back’ is meaningless if all that the illegal alien has to do is simply cross the border for five minutes to gain legal status.

Falsehood #2: “Automatic citizenship” is not granted, so therefore, this bill is not amnesty.

Truth: No, it does not grant ‘automatic’ citizenship. Automatic citizenship has only been granted 5 times in U.S. history. It was granted each time, posthumously, as an honor to an international icon that played a role in American history. The Marquis de Layfayette was the last individual honored with ‘automatic’ citizenship.

Falsehood #3: H.R. 1645 is not an amnesty because the illegals have to pay fines and sit through some English language classes.

How is this different than the 1986 law that everyone agrees is amnesty? “The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) provided amnesty for undocumented aliens already present in the country”, is stated in Black’s Law Dictionary. The 1986 Bill also required illegal aliens to wait, pay a fine, and learn to speak English. We are once again going to sell citizenship to lawbreakers for a fee, just as in 1986. It is offensive to our sense of fairness and justice, and it denigrates the value of American citizenship.

More Truth About Flake-Guitierrez

*H.R. 1645 would increase immigration levels dramatically. It would grant green cards to 400,000 low-skilled workers each year that would arrive under the newly created guest worker program. It also makes more ‘green cards’ available for “backlogged” visa categories which has already lead to chain-migration of extended families.

*Legal immigration is already at a record breaking one million per year and the majority of Americans oppose any increase in the legal number.

*The U.S. allows more green cards to foreign nationals than any other country in the world.

*In a very few decades immigration will drive U.S. population to over 400 million.

*Giving away hundreds of thousands of new green cards will hurt Americans. It will adversely affect wages, employment opportunities, communities, schools, and the environment, and subsequently, the quality of life.

*American workers will be hurt by the huge increase in low-skilled workers. Harvard professor, George Borjas, found that even the existing levels of low-skilled immigration reduces the annual wages of the typical native-born American by $1700.00 per year.

*The National Research Council found that illegal aliens with less than a high school education will impose a net cost on each taxpayer of $89,000 over their lifetime.