From: Roy Beck <>Date: 2007/05/11 Fri PM 03:12:48 EST
Subject: URGENT PHONE -- Most GOP Senators OK with amnesty

From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Friday 21MAY07 3:30 p.m. EDT

GOP Senators closer to agreement with DEMS for amnesty -- Phone this aft!!!


Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) has just announced that he is extending his deadline for both Parties' negotiators to come to an agreement on an amnesty. He says the key vote will now be next Wednesday instead of Tuesday.

That is bad news. There is a suggestion that both sides are giving in on some things and more likely to find an agreement. Since both sides in the Senate already are in agreement on an amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens, it just means we will get a giant amnesty with even less enforcement and even more increases in foreign workers than even the horrible White House amnesty.

Our hope has been that the two pro-amnesty sides would deadlock on other issues like enforcement and chain migration and fail to pass any amnesty. Our sources in Senate offices say that is still a good possibility if Republican Senators can be persuaded that their constituents prefer NO action to any action that increase the number of foreign workers legally working in the U.S.

1. You are getting this because you have at least one Republican Senator in your state.

2. These Republican Senators need to hear an overwhelming response immediately this afternoon to the news that they are moving toward an even more radical amnesty.

Phone your Republican Senator(s) at:

3. We believe our best (and only real) chance to stop the amnesty vote next week is to persuade at least 33 GOP Senators that they will be tarred as an "Amnesty Senator" if they go along with this deal.

4. If you see this after today, please be prepared to start phoning first thing Monday morning.

Any talk of an immigration bill that could pass is talk about an amnesty. No bill or legislative plan is on the table that doesn't include an amnesty.

Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnnell of Kentucky said, "I think it's pretty clear that the vast majority of Repbulicans want an immigraton bill."

As I explained, that means McConnell believes nearly all Republican Senators want a bill that allows illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. permanently.

When you call your Republican Senator(s), you will hear a staffer insist that that Senator is not and will not support an amnesty.

But help them see this logic:

a. The Democratic and Republican negotiators are trying to find a compromise between Sen. Kennedy's amnesty and an amnesty rolled out by the White House a few weeks ago.

b. Both sides' positions include permanent residency and legal work for nearly all the illegal aliens who seek it.

c. Both sides' positions include large increases in foreign workers through permanent green cards and temporary guest worker visas.

The Republicans' position has a bunch of other items that are good which the Democrats' position lacks.

But the point is that any compromise between those two positions will by definition include an amnesty.

So, we have to be incredibly worried when anybody suggests the two sides are "making progress."

At a press conference yesterday, the Senate Republican Leader McConnell (R-KY) and other key negotiators said they remain somewhat optimistic (which, for us, means pessimism) they can reach agreement with Democrats.

Sen. Martinez (R-Fla.) stood beside him and said the bill that will come out will be "one that speaks to the anxieties of so many immigrants in America who want to make this their place where they can live their American dream." (When Sen. Martinez uses the word "immigrants," he is talking about illegal aliens.)

Sen. Graham (R-S.C.) also spoke for the Republican leadership, saying that the negotiated bill will allow America to "see the promised land." What is the promised land to Sen. Graham? "That, to me, would be the promised land, a way to fairly treat the 12 million who are living in the shadows -- come out, live without fear, but learn from our mistakes and have an immigration system that makes us competitive in a global economy."

WHEN YOU CALL, make it clear that if the staffer says the Senator will NOT be supporting any amnesty or permanent legalization of illegal aliens that has to mean that the Senator will vote against any compromise that comes out of negotiations.

Make it clear that the White House power point plan is unacceptable in the first place because it is an amnesty and drastically increases new foreign workers in the country. Thus, tell them, you cannot imagine any way that the Senator could justify compromising even further by giving up a single other provision in the White House plan.


After I notified you yesterday, you sent 57,456 faxes into Congress!

They know you are watching. You have sent tens of thousands more today.

Please make your phone call and send any remaining faxes at:


Sen. Reid just announced he will file cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 1348, which is identical to last year’s Senate passed Immigration Bill (S.2611), on Monday.

Therefore at this point the cloture vote on the motion to proceed to S.1348 (which, if agreed to, initiates a three day process) is expected to occur on Wednesday morning, but could be moved back if there is unanimous agreement (UC) to do so.

Please keep in mind this is an ever evolving debate. Negotiators will continue to work through the weekend into next week to reach a bipartisan compromise.

Unfortunately, Sen. McConnell of Kentucky appears almost as committed as Sen. Kennedy (D-Mass.) in getting the amnesty passed. I remind you that every time any of these Republicans talks about reaching a compromise, they are talking about a position somewhere between the horrible White House amnesty proposal and the totally outrageous Kennedy amnesty proposal.


This is the latest from Congress Daily:

Reid Gives Negotiators Another Day For Immigration Deal ...

Senate Majority Leader Reid today agreed to give Senate negotiators one more day to try to reach an agreement on immigration legislation, backing away from a plan to bring the measure to the floor Tuesday by scheduling a cloture vote instead for Wednesday. Reid's announcement on the Senate floor came after the White House weighed in today on the side of Republicans who were demanding that Reid delay action on the border bill until bipartisan negotiators had more time to come to an agreement.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Scott Stanzel said the White House backed a letter, sent by four key Senate Republican negotiators earlier this week, asking Reid for more time and refusing to support moving to the floor with legislation that is not the product of the ongoing talks. "It's our feeling that those who have been involved in the negotiations are very invested in it, want to see it go forward to conclusion, and that those who have not been involved in those negotiations should work to support that, not undermine that process," Stanzel said. The letter was signed by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., Arlen Specter, R-Pa., Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Mel Martinez, R-Fla. Stanzel said the negotiating process is working, but months of talks have failed to bring an agreement.

Earlier in the day, Reid said he would force the issue Tuesday by bringing to the floor legislation previously approved by the Senate (S. 2611 from a year ago). He still intends to follow that course if the extra day does not result in a consensus bill from the negotiators.

"My purpose is simply to move forward," Reid said. "The House of Representatives is waiting for us, and our schedule is about to get crowded with appropriations and other bills that must be passed prior to October. If a new agreement is reached, it can be offered as a substitute amendment to this bill on the floor. And if a new agreement is not reached, we can legislate the old-fashioned way."

President Bush will seek to drum up popular support for his position on immigration reform by devoting his Saturday radio address to the matter.

-- by Keith Koffler


-- ROY

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