By Frosty Wooldridge
November 5, 2007

This tribute focuses on American leaders who p*** off Americans to the core of their being. It makes us so angry, we want to wring their necks. We want to tar and feather them. We need to send them out of town on a rail. We can’t stand what they do to us!

First off, New York Governor Spitzer p***** off 80 percent of New Yorkers in his bid to provide illegal aliens a driver’s license. That’s the state where illegals blew up the World Trade Towers. That’s the state where Hillary Clinton and Mayor Bloomberg favor and refuse to dissuade sanctuary policy for illegal aliens in New York.

At this moment, 29 government New York clerks claim they won’t issue licenses to illegal aliens. A rash of New Yorkers seethe over Spitzer’s initiative. He stands in violation of federal laws.

Behind him, in New Jersey, Governor Jon Corzine aids, abets and encourages illegal aliens. His side kick, Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, offers sanctuary policy to all illegals—even after two illegals, Godinez and Carranza executed three African-American college kids in the back of their heads while they kneeled on the ground. You better believe Corzine and Booker earned the wrath of voters, citizens and anyone with an ounce of common sense.

John Baldacci created the first sanctuary state in Maine to protect illegal aliens by the tens of thousands from arrest and deportation. Today, those same illegals flood into Maine as they drive drunk, kill, rape and displace Americans from their jobs. Citizens of Maine may increase their usage of hypertensive medications, stressed with the fight to bring their governor into line.

House Representative Chris Cannon of Utah aids, abets and cheers illegal aliens. He’s been celebrated by La Raza. He’s a skunk whom no one wants to stand beside, but he continues his charade against the people of Utah and the U.S. Constitution with a passion that made Fox and now, Mexico’s President Calderon fabulously proud. Cannon stands as a traitor to all Americans.

Not to be outdone, Kay Bailey-Hutchinson of Texas, p***** off Texans with her pro-illegal alien stance. No wonder Texas features 1.5 million illegal aliens. No wonder Parkland Hospital in Dallas delivers 95 percent anchor babies that cost Texans millions upon millions of throw-away dollars in medical and schooling costs.

Pete Domenici of New Mexico must love his state overrun by illegals as he hasn’t changed his indolence in all his years in the senate. He angers every red blooded American who stands by the Stars and Stripes.

Texas Governor Rick Perry stands around picking his nose while his state suffers an invasion one thousand times worse than General Santa Ana that killed every Texan at the Alamo. Worse today, Texans watch their schools overrun, their hospitals overwhelmed, their prisons bursting and their local police killed (Brian Jackson in Dallas), and citizens murdered by drunk illegal aliens as well as shoot-outs in Laredo that mimic the wild west days. Perry angers Texans especially at Farmer’s Branch where they fight for their lives while that do-nothing governor does nothing.

We’re p***** off at the Dirty Dozen corrupt republican senators who voted for the Dream Act two weeks ago to suck more of our tax dollars into the pockets of illegal aliens while they break our laws.

Americans sicken to hear the same old refrain, “Illegal immigration is a federal matter.â€