NY Protestors: Illegal Immigrants Must Go
(CBS) NEW YORK An anti-immigration rally outside the Mexican Consulate Saturday prompted New York protestors to speak out about their perceived problems with illegal immigration and their desire to see stronger enforcement of immigration laws. The protest, sponsored by the newly formed coalition, "New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement," drew almost as many news crews as protestors. Several protestors were shouting, "America is a sovereign nation, keep it that way." All the illegal immigrants "should go home," said rally organizer Ron Bass. The coalition says the problem of illegal immigration can only be solved through enforcement of laws like employer sanctions and by not rewarding lawbreakers with amnesty. "[Illegal immigrants] do the jobs we won't do for the money they pay them," Kevin Hahulski, a rally participant said. "If you pay people a decent wage, they'll do the job. I know that for a fact. I'm a union construction worker."
03 Jun 2006 @ 07:09 pm

From dane - 03 Jun 2006 @ 08:08 pm | Edit | Reply
Good point Hobo!
The firestorm of the citizens has started!
George "Worthless" Bush had better take his meds
and realize he's sinking the GOP!

Oh, and hey George, how does it feel to have the same ratings according to most polls as............

From Hobo - 03 Jun 2006 @ 07:59 pm | Edit | Reply
Good on ya New York. This newly formed "New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement" is the kind of grass roots organization that we need by the 100's, if not 1,000's nationwide to get ALL of Congress, including the McKennedy type as well as Senior G. Bush tuned in to the heartbeat and pulse of America's citizenry.
