NY Times Denies 2012 Political Forces

Published by AJStrata
Oct 26 2011 7:30 am

This has been a fascinating election cycle in one important way. All sides of the Political Industrial Complex of this nation (centered in DC, NY City and LA) have been trying to ignore the Big Elephant in the room: The American Voters and their anti-government rage.

The NY Times comes out spinning like a top today trying to find some hope for their leftist policies and any kind of deadly weaknesses in their conservative opponents (and pulease don’t try and tell me the NY Times has not gone far left over the last two decades). Buried deep into the article is this gem:
Not only do 89 percent of Americans say they distrust government to do the right thing, but 74 percent say the country is on the wrong track and 84 percent disapprove of Congress — warnings for Democrats and Republicans alike.
Emphasis mine. Let that highlighted number just sink in a bit. Ponder it and roll it over. Because it underpins all the other numbers in this poll. Today 9 in 10 voters distrust government to solve problems, spend our money wisely, treat us equally, protect our freedoms and/or be semi-competent. 9 in 10!

And which party has the libertarian, small government, Tea Party heart and soul of this 90%? Which party is the party of big government solutions. Which party has an abysmal track record of big government failures from the mortgage implosion due to social engineering, to trickle down government stimulus that failed to stimulate, to mountains of generational debt?

Only those in deep denial would ignore the obvious here.

Now, translate that anti-government rage (the same one, albeit at lower intensity at the time, that hit the Democrats in 2010) to the 2012 presidential election and you have really only one champion running that represents this 90%. There is only one who is acknowledged to have the least experience with bungled government solutions.

It’s not the President – that’s for sure. He came out and admitted the obvious yesterday, basically sealing his fate:
[quote]“The one thing that we absolutely know for sure is that if we don’t work even harder than we did in 2008, then we’re going to have a government that tells the American people, ‘you are on your own,’â€