Obama Expected To Reignite Immigration Debate

May 10, 2011
by Personal Liberty News Desk

President Barack Obama was slated to visit El Paso, Texas on May 10 to discuss immigration reform that would give illegal residents more pathways to citizenship.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Obama believes that his administration has worked hard to protect the United States border and it is time to focus on the 10.8 million individuals who are living in America illegally. In his speech, he was expected to place pressure on Congress to support initiatives like the DREAM Act, which is designed to provide permanent residency to certain students who are currently illegal immigrants.

However, many Republicans oppose the President’s efforts to make it easier to obtain citizenship. Representative Michael McCaul (R-Texas) told the Silver City Sun-News that immigration should not be a priority until the U.S.-Mexico border is secure.

“This administration is not giving the American people a complete picture of security on our border with Mexico,â€