By Frosty Wooldridge
May 12, 2011

When you do something over and over again without getting the results you desire, it’s defined as insanity. If you beat your head up against a brick wall enough times, you will knock yourself out. If you walk barefoot across broken glass, you will cut your feet to ribbons. At some point, any rational human being changes his or her behavior.

Not our presidents and Congress critters!

This week, President Barack Obama with doubts about his U.S. citizenship as well as his lack of a legitimate Social Security card and Selective Service card, decided to make the American people start walking on broken glass again and he’s also trying to beat our heads against a brick wall.

Obama wants to reward 20 million illegal migrants and their kids with amnesty. For the past ten years, Americans have demanded our presidents to enforce employment laws, secure our borders and to stop Anchor babies. Instead, they keep beating us over the head with the same amnesty bills.

Obama mentioned that immigrants had created Google and other websites. He forgot to mention they were legal immigrants. Somehow he doesn’t understand the nuance between legal and illegal. That’s possibly because of his own challenges with fraudulent Social Security and Selective Service cards.

Additionally, he wants to double annual immigration rates from 1.1 million to 2.2 million to see how many people he can stuff into the Unites States before we crash like Humpty-Dumpty. If he succeeds with his current immigration reform plan, we will see 72 to 75 million immigrants and their children add themselves to our already crowded country by 2035. He actually voted for that doubling of immigrants in SB 2611 back in 2008, but thankfully smarter heads voted it down.

For the past 30 years, five presidents and Congresses have failed the American people by failing to enforce basic immigration laws at our borders and inside the country. The result: in excess of 20 million illegal migrants have descended upon America from all over the globe. Forbes Magazine reported that the Orient runs a $7 billion a year people smuggling operation to get people into the United States. Some estimates show over 1.1 million illegal Chinese in our country.

Several websites offer pregnant women from all over the world a plane flight, accommodations and passports to reside in America until their “Anchor Babyâ€