Obama Will Never Be Found At The Center Of A Lie: White House Throws Staffers Under The Bus To Shield President From Kenyan Uncle Omar Bombshell

December 5, 2013 by Ben Bullard

President Barack Obama isn’t to blame for a festering lie about his past – his handlers are.
On Thursday, The Boston Globe reported that Obama said he did live with his Kenyan uncle, Onyango “Omar” Obama, for three weeks just before young Barack began his career as a Harvard Law student. The White House had told the press in 2011 that the President had never met the man.
That was an inadvertent lack of diligence on the part of Obama’s staff, said Press Secretary Jay Carney Thursday. “Back when this arose, [White House staff] looked at the record, including the President’s [autobiographical] book, and there was no evidence that they had met,” Carney said.
“However,” The Daily Caller quotes Carney as saying, “nobody spoke to the President.”
“I thought it was the right thing to do to go ask him,” Carney continued. “[A]nd the President said that he, in fact, had met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school.”
Flash back to January 7, 2012, when The Boston Globe ran a story about Omar’s legal travails, set against the backdrop of the Obamas’ common Kenyan heritage.
A solemn figure as he strides into his court appearances, [Omar] Obama never married or had children during the years he has been in the United States, according to his lawyer, P. Scott Bratton. He lives with a Kenyan family in Framingham near the liquor store where he has worked as a clerk for 10 years. Although he has a vast number of relatives living near Lake Victoria in western Kenya, many know nothing of him. He has never met his famous nephew, according to the White House.
“The White House never moved to correct the record, until the President’s famously private uncle took the witness stand in Boston immigration court two days ago,” the Globe reported Thursday.
Why not? At the start of an election year, wouldn’t the President want to avoid any political landmines – particularly from the birther crowd – by getting in front of misinformation as quickly as possible instead of letting stories like this sit dormant indefinitely? That he kept quiet about a Boston Globe report that surely must have come to his attention, courtesy of anxious handlers looking toward November 2012, calls into question the President’s own role in allowing the lie to make it through to the Globe’s reporter.
The 2012 article also mentions that Omar had been living illegally in the U.S. for decades. Omar had a deportation hearing earlier this week – an event brought about by his August 2011 drunk driving arrest in Framingham, Massachusetts. At the hearing, Omar revealed that the future President had, in fact, stayed with him before attending Harvard.
Omar was granted legal residency by an immigration judge Tuesday, thanks to his “good moral character and a section of federal law that allows him to get a green card because he arrived before 1972.”

Filed Under: Liberty News, Staff Reports
