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U.S. Protests Cause Backlash on the Web

'Anti-illegal alien mov't' gathering momentum

by Espinoza (Javier21a) ... 8&rel_no=1

"Is your community becoming a Third World city?" is becoming one of the main concerns of the self proclaimed anti-illegal alien movement that has become more active ever since protests against unfair treatment of immigrants in the United States started last week.

On the Internet, sites like define themselves as a "non-profit organization committed to educating California's citizens about the disastrous effects of illegal immigration and creating positive change through aggressive activism and advocacy."

The movement claims illegal immigration undermines the "American way of life" as it damages American culture, language and society.

More and more well-respected academics in the United States argue their country is not a nation of immigrants.

They claim people who want to live and work in the U.S. illegally use the phrase to get more benefits from a country that is not their own.

Some even talk about a "Hispanic tsunami."

"The mantra 'a nation of immigrants' is an inaccurate branding of our current American culture and society. It is an incantation that contains substantial misinformation, some subtle, some blatant, which never seems to receive any scrutiny or debate," writes Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D on the Web site

"A deluge of illegal aliens has defied our laws and sovereignty, balkanized our cities and towns, corrupted our unifying English language, culture and society, degraded our hospitals, schools and jails and caused reductions in our American quality of life, job opportunities and wages," Peterson adds.

Migrants living illegally in the United States are often labeled "goons."

A forum in a Web site entitled "Americans for Legal Immigration" has received a considerable amount of posts since last Friday commenting on the protests.

A user by the name of Bowman wrote: "I will personally send you back to Guatemala, where you can be all nice and legal."

"Hang in there, everyone. President Bush will save us," user LegalUSCITIZEN wrote.

President Bush's immigration policy consists of harder laws to enter the country and a guest-worker program.