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  1. #1
    Senior Member sacredrage's Avatar
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    South FL

    Old Article That Is Still Valid For Today-Says It All

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    In the water
    Very good post now if we can get the goverment to read it and enforce the laws that are inplace it would be nice.What that had to say in 2007 its coming true.The illegals are forcing their way and getting by with it.Its ashame we just have to keep up the good fight not give up we will win in the end.The people will rise up when they had enough and over throw who ever is in the way.Starting by voting them out then forcing them out like what we are seeing now thats going on in the middle east.I dont think its far off to becoming to that point.LORD i hope not.Alot of innocent people would be injured or killed.This country can only stand so much with gas prices food crime rate drugs forclosure on homes job loss and wars she is at her breaking point.A volcano can only hold its lava for so long then its got erupt. GOD BLESS AMERICA

  3. #3
    Senior Member sacredrage's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    South FL
    AMEN, Duckman! May God protect all of the innocent people of every ethnic group who are pro-America caught within this mess and the innocent children of parents on both sides of the struggle! GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  4. #4
    Article from link above
    Using Bilingualism to Subvert America
    By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
    October 15, 2007

    Our sovereign nation is undergoing an overwhelming illegal alien invasion by an Hispanic 'migrant army' that has defied our immigration laws and sovereignty. The invasion of America now totals 25 -30 million and rising. Of that number, 90% are Hispanics who balkanize our cities and towns, and arrogantly corrupt our unifying national language while actively disrespecting our laws, culture, society, and country! All this is being accomplished while our complicit government and media shamefully stands by, blatantly ignoring the anarchy by allowing Mexico's human tsunami of illegal aliens to lawlessly overrun America.(1)

    The invading illegal alien horde is diminishing our quality-of-life, overloading our hospitals, schools and jails, while bankrupting our taxpayer treasury. It is a primarily a Mexican invasion. It is an act of war, that has reduced our country to nothing but a lawless territory with little or no sovereignty left! Mexico has been waging their one-sided war for decades by sending a migrant army of some 20+ million of its citizens to colonize and reconquista America. It is a war they intend to win "without firing a shot!"(1)

    With the complicit help of Mexico's corrupt oligarchy and their diabolical 'Mexican Manifesto', the quest for bilingualism was pursued by our government to create a multi-lingual 'global' citizen as part of their secret tri-national 'integration' goals. You will learn how both governments stealthfully and deliberately created chaos, frustration, bewilderment, anger and linguistic disorder as they pursued their subversive goals. You will find that they planned and executed the erasure of our language unity, created linguistic chaos in our schools, prisons, hospitals, and courts, while destroying the social fabric of our nation. Why was that? So that they could force us into the 'global community' called the North American Union.

    Our government's frustrating, bewildering support for bilingualism had a hidden agenda. In addition to its obvious mission of 'aiding and abetting' the illegal alien invasion, the governments' TRUE goal was to destroy the cohesive and unifying solidarity of communicating in America using ONE language! The results have been massive taxpayer costs, rampant psychological, physical and political chaos, and the complete loss of our cohesive linguistic unity. Our government has subversively created mandates and legal actions to enforce their multi-lingual agenda which has destroyed America's prized linguistic unity and endangered our internationally vaunted English language primacy. What they have done is TREASON!

    The Mexican Manifesto: A Plan to Reconquista America

    Today, there is clear and convincing evidence that we are being invaded. It is a war that is being waged by demographic invasion and reconquista of our sovereign land. Mexico's war plan was arrogantly announced in a prestigious Mexico City newspaper in 1982. As you will see, it is a manifesto detailing the illegal alien invasion, linguistic chaos, and balkanization of America, all of which has been facilitated by our OWN treasonous government, for more than TWENTY-SIX YEARS. It is unambiuously an invasion and colonization of America by a foreign county as was brazenly declared in, this, Mexico's 1982 Mexican Manifesto:

    "A peaceful mass of people, hardworking, carries out slowly and patiently an unstoppable invasion, the most important in human history. You cannot give me a similar example of such a large migratory wave by an ant-like, stubborn, unarmed, and carried on in the face of the most powerful and best-armed nation on earth."

    "But neither barbed-wire fences, nor aggressive border guards, nor campaigns, nor laws, nor police raids against the undocumented, have stopped this movement of the masses that is unprecedented in any part of the world."

    "In 1950 they were called 'Pachucos' (half-breeds); today they are called 'Chicanos.' They have marked social and family characteristics, agility for adapting to the environment and for conquering a great region, once primitive and virgin, that belonged to our fatherland and we lost it. But it seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without the firing of a single shot, nor requiring the least diplomatic action, by means of a steady, spontaneous, and uninterrupted occupation."(1)

    It is a clear and evident de facto war, totally ignored by our government. It is a war that has been carefully planned, blatantly conducted and arrogantly executed without a single change or deviation from the original 1982 'Mexican Manifesto.' All the while our government, from the president on down has allowed this massive invasion and chaos to continue for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. Thus insanity reigns . . . but WHY?

    How Mexico Wages Its de facto War . . .
    By creating Mexican laws allowing dual citizenship.(1)
    By legislating the right to vote in Mexican elections by absentee ballots mailed from America, approved in 2005.(1)
    By promoting nationalism and Hispanic racism. The Mexican government their Hispanic-American shills, sponsor programs and practices that "upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others" which is the dictionary definition of RACISM.(1)
    By working surreptitiously in concert with Hispanic organization and politicians here in America, Mexico pursues its 'reconquista' of American land, by actively and blatantly promoting the purist form or racism there is!(1)
    By 'Meddling' in America's affairs in defiance of our laws: The Mexican government, continuously and blatantly colludes with Hispanic politicians, individuals, groups and organizations here in America, who act as their shills. Sadly and outrageously, nearly all of those Hispanic organizations receive funding, some in the millions, from the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, and many, many corporate 'others,' who want to keep that cheap labor flowing and fostering anarchy in America.(1)
    By using Mexican shills and operatives within America including the racist Hispanic organizations like The National Council of La Raza (i.e., The Race, which is NOT a race), MALDEF, LULAC and MEChA, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and numerous American politicians and individuals of Hispanic descent. Last but not least, is the ACLU, which is headed by an Hispanic who first worked for, and was groomed by, both the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations.(1)
    They are all constantly working 'behind the scenes' using our courts, Hispanic advisory counsels and other political access, not available to 'We the People', in order to eliminate any and all actions that might thwart or stop the illegal alien invasion of America that continues at a rate of 10,000 a day. Think about the access the National Council of La Raza (i.e., The Race) had during the creation of those several illegal alien 'amnesty' bills drawn up in secrecy, behind closed doors in 2007. Doors that were closed to 'We the People' but OPEN to the Hispanic pro-illegal alien enablers like the NCLR.(1)

    What do you think those well-funded, Hispanic, anti-American, organizations will do as their numbers continue to increase through this unchecked illegal alien invasion? 'Without firing a shot' Mexico intends to win their 'de facto' war by leveraging those 'migrant' masses, to gain enough political power to shove their balkanizing, racist Hispanic agenda down the throats of ALL Americans!

    The Mexican government, led by Vicente Fox, has arrogantly waged Mexico's de facto war by openly engaging many complicit Hispanic shills here in America who work assiduously to stop all those who would stand against them. Those shills work 'hand in glove' with the previously mentioned racist Hispanic organizations.(2-7)

    In addition to the fascist government-corporate (public-private) and military-industrial collusion, other illegal alien 'aiders and abettors' who are working in concert to aid the invasion is a "fifth column of many people who act traitorously and subversively, out of a secret [or not so secret] sympathy, for the enemy of their country, in our country."

    Others members of the 'fifth column' include Hispanic 'aiders and abettors' like the Catholic church, greedy employers, and enablers such as the corporate media, inept politicians, major foundations like the Ford Foundation, the US Chamber of Commerce, American unions and many 'clueless' Americans.(9-12)

    Considering that one of the first rules of warfare, is 'to know thine enemy'. This research will clearly reveal who is 'aiding and abetting' the massive illegal alien invasion revealing . . . who stands against "We the People" and our sovereignty in violation of our Constitution and their oaths of office. This section will expose those racist Hispanics and their coterie who have insinuated themselves into our police departments, mayoralties, schools, jails, hospitals, courts, churches, local townships, legislatures, media, task forces and advisory boards, etc.

    It will also expose the pandering, complicit and cowardly legislatures, police departments, governors and mayors, many of whom have appointed by fiat, an abundance of Hispanics and Latinos, to populate and run those racially designed and run task forces and advisory boards . . . all across the country. These appointments have provided the pro-illegal alien lobby with subversive entrée to lawmakers and the politically powerful.(13)

    Shamefully, Hispanics and Latinos receive such entrée and clout in total disregard of the fact that their Hispanic constituency is artificially inflated by millions upon millions of illegal aliens. How fair it that to honest, law-abiding Americans? The question that should be asked is whether or not YOU have that same accessibility?

    Lastly, what do you think they'll do as their numbers continue to increase through this unchecked illegal alien invasion and their anchor babies? Don't stand around and wait to find out . . . you won't like the answer! In the meantime, reflect on the following quote by Dante Alighieri: "The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality." In other words, enough is enough, stand up America and help 'Stop the Invasion!'

    How did we get to here?

    Since the early 1990s, just about everywhere, schools, corporations, businesses, police departments, etc., it was demanded that we participate in 'sensitivity training' which promoted 'cultural diversity.' A process that required us to accept, espouse and apply a multi-cultural orthodoxy, everywhere and everyplace. A doctrine that embraces diversity, which by definition engenders a society and culture that is divergent, different, and disparate, the exact opposite of our national motto -- E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, ONE!

    Multi-culturalism is a concept that requires us to promote and celebrate an American culture of non-assimilation and non-acculturation. One that encourages people who are dissimilar, unalike, and different from one another, to remain that way. A Machiavellian veneration that is the complete opposite of our world famous American 'melting pot' motto, a vibrant concept that represents a dynamic process of a 'coming together' by diverse peoples who willingly assimilate and integrate into our unique, blended American culture!

    In addition and over time, we have been assailed and bombarded by another phenomenon called pc, 'political correctness' or more aptly named 'political castration!' This means that anyone who objected to the massive influx of illegal aliens extolled by the exhortations of multi-culturalism, were quickly and loudly labeled 'racists, xenophobes and nativists.' This allowed the multi-culturalists and pro-illegal alien and open-borders crowd to keep Americans SILENCED!

    The illegal alien invasion of America totals 25 - 30 million, 90% of whom are Hispanics. How can such an overwhelming influx of Spanish speaking Hispanics and/or Latinos be construed as 'diversity' when it will change America into an Hispanic uni-culture by dint of their numbers or those Hispanic 'migrant' masses gain enough political power to shove their balkanizing, racist Hispanic linguistic agenda down the throats of America!(14-19)

    This research will reveal those who are 'aiding and abetting' the illegal alien invasion. It will expose those members of the 5th column who are working as their enablers, who are diligently working to turn America into a bilingual country. Their ultimate goal is to leverage their illegal alien numbers to become politically dominant. Once that happens English speakers will then become what the Census Bureau calls "Linguistically Isolated" in their own nation. Bilingualism will divide America in two, pushing us inevitably toward conflagrations not unlike those that have erupted around the world.

    What IS America?

    As already stated, bilingualism is the antithesis of our national motto: E Pluribus Unum: Out of many, ONE! Former Colorado Governor Richard Lamm said it best: "History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual.(20) Societies [that] are bilingual [become] two competing and nation-dividing languages. A nation is much more than a place on a map. It is a state of mind, a shared vision, and a recognition that we are all in this together . . . [and] one indispensable element must be that we all speak one common language."(21)

    America is the greatest and most successful experiment regarding the integration and assimilation of people of differing cultures, languages, and religions.(22)

    Just imagine if millions of Americans were to enter Mexico illegally, demand that the local government provide free medical care, demand bilingual doctors and nurses, demand bilingual government forms, fly the US flag from their homes and cars, demand courses on American culture in their schools, demand local driver's licenses, and insist that local law enforcement officers speak only English.(22)

    Reverse that scenario and everyone who's awake and paying attention KNOWS that is exactly what is occurring all across America -- and has been happening for a very long time.

    Yes . . . these took place in America . . .

    (Reuters-Seth Wenig)

    "In California, Arizona and Texas, Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal, wave Mexican flags in [and from] their vehicles, homes, parties, demonstrations and school classrooms. They speak Spanish and demand everything be translated into their native language. Now with over 20 million illegal alien Mexicans, the United States suffers colonization by sheer numbers and bows to their demands while it spends billions on language classes for children and parents who will never honor the English of their host country."(23)

    "These new immigrants arrive from totally incompatible cultures. They are the seeds of cancer sewn into our social fabric that will eventually destroy our nation. Again, when the rate of immigration exceeds the rate of assimilation, it is a recipe for the annihilation of our civilization. . . How can anyone who knows Mexico think its culture 'wants' to assimilate into America's?"(23)

    "No country on earth today is successful with 'multiculturalism'. It's a lie, it's a proven failure, it's dangerous, it's deadly and it's growing in America."(23)

    Quoting Seymore Martin: "The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy." To correct that possibility for America, Steve Sailer offers the wisdom that: "You need newcomers who are willing and able to assimilate, a dominant culture that is willing and able to require them to do so and admissions that are not so large that they undermine these objectives."

    President Teddy Roosevelt summed it up succinctly: "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American . . . "(24)(25)

    "There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag . . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language . . . and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."(24)(25)


    More Teddy truisms . . . "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of it continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."

    "For an American citizen to vote as a German-American, an Irish-American, or an English-American [or a Mexican-American], is to be a traitor to American institutions; and those hyphenated Americans who terrorize American politicians by threats of the foreign [Hispanic] vote are engaged in treason to the American Republic."

    Who could argue against Roosevelt's declarations? No true American could or would. But the president of a country that shares a 2000 mile border with America can and does disagree.

    Vicente Fox Reveals His Linguistic Subversion . . .

    In October of 2000 in the Mexican newspaper Siglo he "spoke of the deep cultural and linguistic loyalty of Mexicans and other Hispanics who emigrate [most entering illegally] to the United States. Because of this loyalty, asserted Fox, each Hispanic immigrant [both legal and illegal] is 'an important agglutinative element of his brothers in the exterior'[of Mexico]."(26)

    An interesting word 'agglutinative' . . . it means "sticking together" or "joining together" . . . what is Fox trying to convey? Did he mean even while in America, Mexicans were to continue their allegiance and stay connected to Mexico? Or, did he mean for them to stick together here in America by balkanizing our cities and towns? Or perhaps he meant BOTH?

    His final words might give us a clue: "Besides, to continue speaking Spanish in the United States is to 'hacer patria' . . . which means to 'be patriotic' or [to] 'do a patriotic duty'."(26) Get the message?

    Do you understand now how insidiously the Mexican government has been waging their de facto war using its 'migrant army' to invade, colonize and reconquista America? Part of the plan is to NOT assimilate, but to overwhelm our English language and to dominate us both culturally AND linguistically.

    How they must be laughing at us brainwashed, sensitivity-trained, pc'd (politically castrated), multi-culturalized, Pavlovian, naive and trusting Americans.

    For further proof of Mexico's nefarious plot -- in July 2001, according to El Imparcial: "The Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska affirmed today that Mexico is presently recovering the territories lost in the past to the United States, thanks to emigration. The people of the poor, the lice-ridden and the cucarachas [cockroaches] are advancing in the United States, a country that wants [is being coerced] to speak Spanish because 33.4 million Hispanics [continue to arrogantly] impose their culture [and their Spanish language upon America]"(26)

    Is The Mexican Manifesto . . . Mein Kampf Revisited?

    Did the government of Mexico borrow their concept of 'demographic warfare' from Nazi Germany? Did you know that in Mein Kampf, Hitler espoused the belief that there was a need for Lebensraum ('living space' i.e., land and raw materials). He expected to find that land to the East. It was an important part of the Nazi ideology. It provided the motivation for "Germany's expansionist policies" in order to "provide extra space for the growth of the German population" and to create a "Greater Germany."

    "It was the stated policy of the Nazis to kill, deport, or enslave the Polish, Russian and other Slavic populations, whom they considered inferior, and to repopulate the land with Germanic peoples. The entire urban population was to be exterminated by starvation, thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and allowing their replacement by a German upper class," according to Wikipedia.

    It is obvious that the Mexican government is sponsoring and promoting their version of Lebensraum in their Mexican Manifesto. The invading Mexican 'army' of illegal aliens who loudly proclaim they are here to reconquista American territory and create a Greater Mexico is prima facie evidence that the Mein Kampf Nazi ideology of 'demographic warfare' exists. The application of the Lebensraum concept became crystal clear when Mexico's current President Felipe Calderon, arrogantly announced in his, September 3, 2007, state-of-the-nation address, that: "Wherever there is a Mexican . . . that is Mexico." His statement is NOT to be taken lightly.

    Our Government Continues to Abdicate its Constitutional Responsibilities
    Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion . . . " This is not being done!
    Members of our Congress take an oath of office, to "preserve, protect and defend our Constitution." They are responsible for ensuring the enforcement of our laws and do not honor their oath!
    The Constitution states that the President of the United States "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." He has not and does not enforce our immigration laws, except selectively and narrowly for show!
    This nation dividing insanity of proliferating bilingualism is found at all levels of our government. It is governmental corruption to accede to every whim and demand for Spanish language everywhere and everyplace.

    It is a corruption that is paving the way for the cancer of bilingualism to spread. You will learn who, where and how Spanish language demands are being endorsed and enforced by our government, who is complicitly 'aiding and abetting' Fox's massive invading 'migrant army' of illegal aliens. These linguistic supportive acts are facilitating their presence by inducing them to enter and encouraging them to continue to reside here in direct violation of our immigration laws. They are using the non-enforcement of those laws to balkanized and demoralized our citizenry with their outrageous demands to have their Spanish language facilitated everywhere. They do that because we DO facilitate them, and the more we do the more they arrogantly demand that we do.

    What IS 'Aiding or Abetting? ... rsion.html

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