Nebraska has a total population of 1,700,000.... less than many cities in the USA.

Once an isolated place.

The mob protesting in Omaha today was estimated by Omaha police as around 10,000 to 12,000.

Omaha has around 350,000 residents.

And "they" say there's only 12-million or so illegals? Balderdash. I'm beginning to believe the 20-million estimate.

Luckily, the protestors were displaying plenty of Mexico flags, showing their true allegience.

Folks, since the elites want the cheap labor and the citizenry is unwilling to do what likely needs done, I suggest we plan for the inevitable eventual alteration of the USA......... a country more closely resembling the cesspools to our south.

The invader's culture is expanding faster then our birth rate.

I predict doom.

Ethnic loyalty will overcome loyalty to the nation as the Hispanic's numbers grow; as their percentage of the populace grows.... and grows.... and grows..... until they become the majority.

Assimilation? Yeah, just as the Goths "assimilated" into the Roman Empire.

History shows us our future and it is ugly. Well, from my point of view.

The invaders and their supporters are ecstatic.

General Patton warned us what happens when a stronger meaner people invade those unwilling to defend themselves.

Expecting the elite's "system" to save us is a fantasy.

Even if the federal government passes new laws..... well.... so what???!!!!

How about the existing laws that are barely enforced!!!!!

The invaders will surely win and so will the elite class of the USA.

You are viewing history people!!!! Momentous times.

I am convinced we are watching the beginning of the end.... the end of the USA as it has existed for over 200 years.

The failed Spanish Armada of yore has succeeded.

Prepare for a new Dark Age.