Top Ten Reasons Why the US Should NOT ‘Marry’ Mexico
By Brenda Walker January 17, 2007

[R: I HIGHLY recommend that you visit this page from, [link at the bottom], as they are a vastly complex magazine, w/SEVERAL links throughout the article explaining just what they are talking about!

Mexichurian President George W Bush is DETERMINED to cement the North American Union as much as possible during his term. Incredibly, he aims at a European Union-type political merger between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, including replacing the dollar with a Euro-style currency called the Amero and rearranging trade patterns to favor Mexico. Central to the deal is the uncontrolled movement of people throughout North America.

This EU mega-state concept has actually been LOSING support among average folk in Europe. For example, the Dutch and French voted DOWN the EU Constitution in 2005. It doesn’t matter to ‘globalist elites’, though. They push forward with expanding bureaucracy slanted toward one-worldish interests in the corporate style.

This is NOT a joke. The "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" [..SPP…] is NOT a nutty ‘conspiracy theory’, but is a genuine ‘government policy’ explained in White House documents AND a ‘Commerce Department’ website. While ‘prettied up’ in trade language, the intent of the SPP is CLEARLY continent-wide political unification and the DISSOLUTION of AMERICAN national SOVEREIGNTY. Business ‘elites’ believe that ‘borders’ AND ‘laws’ are an annoying impediment to commerce. THEY have decided the ‘nation-state’ must go.

With that UNHAPPY ‘possible future’ in mind, perhaps we should consider the intended ‘spouse’ in Bush's shotgun marriage.

You wouldn't marry your next door neighbor just because of that person's ‘convenient’ location Then WHY then are Washington ‘elites’ working to DISSOLVE sovereignty in order to unify with a Third-World SEWER… …best known for Corruption, Violence, Poverty, Sexism AND Apathy toward Education?

The only answer is Mexico's enormous supply of CHEAP, exploitable labor, which business wants to fuel the neo-slave economy of its dreams. But the CULTURES of the peoples of Mexico and the United States are deeply INCOMPATIBLE, and have a history of ‘bad blood’ going back centuries.

Below, my list of cultural reasons WHY the United States should AVOID further entanglement with Mexico. PLEASE remember that these are ‘societal averages’ only; there ARE many ‘admirable’ Mexican citizens—particularly those living IN Mexico. Also, ‘TEN’ should be understood as an ‘arbitrary’ number. It does NOT imply that there are ONLY ten reasons to shun a Mexican merger.

#10 The legal age of HeteroSEXUAL CONSENT in Mexico is 12. Yes, TWELVE!

As with many laws, there is some diversity according to locale and other variables, but THIS discussion of statutes agrees that *12* [Oh God..!] is the legally acceptable age for straight sex to occur in Mexico.

Mexican men have a reputation for leering ‘and worse’ little girls, which shouldn't surprise us, since ‘sex with children’ is ‘socially acceptable’ in Mexico. Fifteen-year-old girls have a ceremony called a Quinceañera which announces their ‘availability’ to become wives, mothers and girlfriends. In America, children of that age are expected to complete three more years of high school, to be followed hopefully by a college education. But in Mexico, young girls are considered available, according to ‘law and custom’.

A 2005 news report from North Carolina found that "Culture might be factor in sexual abuse", [By Annette Newell, News 14 Carolina, June, 21, 2005] referring to HISPANIC men's propensity to prey upon ‘little girls’. The story ‘tip-toed’ around the obvious FACT that foreigners bring THEIR cultures with them, ranging from tasty cuisine to CHILD SEX ABUSE!

An example: Mexican Diego Lopez-Mendez pleaded guilty to sexual assault on a 10-year-old girl in West Virginia, with a not-uncommon ‘excuse’ that CHILD SEX is ‘normal’ among ‘his’ people.

"In the pueblo where I grew up girls are usually married by 13 years old [Yea.. right..!]....I was unaware [LIAR ] of the nature of the offense or that it was a bad crime", said Lopez through the translator. [Illegal Immigrant Pleads Guilty To Sexual Assault, WTOV9 2/28/06]

In the Netherlands [..a country FLOODED by Muslim migrants] last year, the public was outraged because pedophiles organized themselves into a ‘political party’. One of their demands is that the age of consent be lowered from 16 to 12. Perhaps someone should tell them that Mexico already HAS what pedophiles WANT.

Or maybe not.

#9 Mexican ‘SEXISM’ ranks close to the Taliban.

Islamic ‘men’ have largely nailed down the reputation as the most misogynous males on the planet. But Mexicans are no slouches in THIS regard.

Even the diversity ‘propagandist’ Washington Post has noticed the horrific social status of women south of the border:

"But in the country that made the term "machismo" famous, where women were given the right to vote only in 1953, women's rights advocates said rape and other violence against women are still NOT treated as ‘serious’ crimes." [In Mexico, an Unpunished Crime, By Mary Jordan, Washington Post, July 30, 2002]

In some Mexican states, men may freely KIDNAP women ‘for sex’, a custom known as "rapto," which is regarded as a harmless ‘amusement’ by ‘men’ despite the unsuccessful attempts of women's groups to criminalize it.

In early *2006*, Mexico City decided it should mount a campaign against the rampant sexist behavior of Mexican males, largely because workplace harassment against women is so commonplace. But the supposed message of gender respect was lost in a bizarre public ‘education campaign’ featuring ‘sex dolls’ in various positions, er employment venues . One billboard showed a sex doll dressed up as an executive secretary at a desk. ‘Some’ might think that such images sent, the ‘message’ was that ALL women, even those professionally employed, are ‘available’.

In Juarez, the MURDERS of hundreds of young women over the last decade have been of ‘little importance’ for the ‘men in charge’ of law enforcement there. But some Mexican ‘officials’ have ‘blamed the victims’! It SHOULD be a national scandal that the crimes remain UNSOLVED after so many years. But it ISN’T—which speaks VOLUMES about how little respect Mexican society has for women.

In Mexico, women continue to be second-class citizens whose safety doesn't count for much. Yet in this country, most American women remain unaware (because they’ve been uninformed—except by Athena Kerry in VDARE.COM ) that HARD-won ‘legal protections’ and ‘egalitarian social standing’ ARE threatened by the presence of MILLIONS of retrosexual Mexican [migrant] males ‘hardwired’ with ‘paleolithic’ attitudes AND behavior.

#8 Crime AND Violence are INCREASING as the state fails.

Recent news about the spread of ‘drug cartels’ into new territory, particularly into ‘tourist areas’, show that the central government is LOSING its battle against ‘organized crime’, particularly the drug cartels. The outcome of Presidente Calderon's crackdown remains to be seen. And while many Mexicans are alarmed at the dissolution of order, there are plenty of willing workers who see CRIME as a ‘job opportunity’.

Mexico City has the SECOND HIGHEST crime rate in LATIN America. Kidnapping in Mexico is second only to Colombia, and even ordinary middle class people get snatched by criminals hoping for a ransom. According to the BBC, "More money is paid in kidnap ransoms here than anywhere else in the world". Mexico is #6 worldwide for MURDERS ‘per capita’.

Nuevo Laredo has been a ‘WAR zone’ between cartels battling for control of the NAFTA Highway by which they can easily distribute drugs throughout the continent, despite Fox sending in the army for several weeks in 2005 with NO effect. The street fighting, which has at times included bazookas and RPGs, has spread to tourist areas like Acapulco, where two police officers were BEHEADED by traffickers in April. In February, armed gunmen stormed a Nuevo Laredo newspaper office and exploded a grenade, seriously injuring one reporter.

Average Mexicans are overwhelmed by crime and how it limits their lives. In 2004, a quarter million crowded the central square in Mexico City to protest violent crime, many carrying signs demanding tougher penalties and others with photos of relatives lost. Analyst George Grayson remarked that ‘the issue’ was a vital one in the Presidential election: Calderon understood it was "imperative that Mexican citizens feel that they are safe in their own streets". Because they haven't.

[R: they bring it HERE… illegally!

And yet, there is also a strong vein of ‘admiration’ for CRIME in Mexican society. Narcocorridos—songs celebrating drug smugglers—are a ‘popular’ genre and sell a lot of recordings.

[R: Monkey see.. Monkey do.. then it stays with you..

#7 LYNCHING remains a ‘continuing practice’.

In the 2001 book ‘Amazon True Tales from Another Mexico’, author Sam Quinones mentioned in passing that lynching is not an unusual occurrence in Mexico, and his clippings file on ‘extra-legal EXECUTIONS’ from 1994 until 2000 was THREE inches THICK! One chapter in the book told the story of two salesmen whose ‘crude behavior’ in the country village of Huejutla ended with townspeople ‘lynching them’ in the town square with the ‘belief’ that the pair were organ-snatching child kidnappers.

[R: LOTS of Superstitious ‘crap’ going on there.. then only to come HERE..!

In 2004, a Mexico City mob beat up, then BURNED to death two policemen on LIVE television. Locals had ‘mistaken’ Federal Agents for ‘kidnappers’ …and then KILLED them, with NO apparent REGRET later for THEIR error.

Mexicans simply do NOT have the same belief as Americans that ‘the law’ is CENTRAL to the ‘equitable functioning’ of a complex nation. It IS the Third World!

#6 Mexican DISLIKE for ‘education’ lasts for generations.

Unlike many other immigrant groups which have ‘figured out’ the American path to success, MEXICANS have been notably UNWILLING to use the ‘educational opportunities’ available to better themselves. Just 9.6 percent of fourth-generation Mexican-Americans have a post-high-school degree, compared with 45.1 percent of Americans as a whole. While 62 percent of Asians [THEY.. have ‘figured it out’ ] get college degrees, Mexicans are known for their high-school ‘dropout culture’.

NO surprise here. Mexico does NOT promote ‘education’ as a ‘national value’. Mexican attitudes are stuck in the ‘bad old days’, [like America, PRE 1940 era..] when ‘six years’ of schooling was considered ‘adequate’. Kids are encouraged to get out into the workplace to help support ‘the [BIG.. NO birth control..!] family’ rather than finish school—an attitude you DON’T see in ‘Confucian culture’, for one.

As a result, Mexicans are arguably the WORST, i.e. the LEAST likely to succeed, [im]migrant group EVER, because of their TOTAL ‘apathy’ toward ‘education’. Former Congressman Herman Badillo (who wrote the first bilingual education bill) has been assailed by ‘professional ethnic whiners’ for saying Hispanics ‘need to assimilate’ to American values of education AND speaking English. Sadly for the ‘friends of progress’, the largest [im]migrant group BY FAR, is Mexican—about 31 percent.

[R: ..actually, the percentage is MUCH larger, OVER 50% !

‘Unhelpful attitudes’ work in other ways. Political correctness has prevented an adequate investigation of IQ-lowering lead poisoning among [im]migrant children in southern California who are fed large quantities of ‘toxic’ Mexican candy by mothers ‘IGNORANT OF’ veggies and whole grains.

Unsurprisingly, Mexico suffers from a corresponding level of SUPERSTITION that matches up with LITTLE education. The standard ‘Catholic religion’ is supplemented with old-fashioned ‘beliefs’ like the curse of the ‘evil eye’ and colorful characters like ‘Jesus Malverde’, the ‘patron saint of drug smugglers’.

#5 Drunk driving is deemed ACCEPTABLE, even considered DESIRABLY 'macho'.

Driving while ‘inebriated’ is NOT condemned by Mexican society. Officials there NOW insist that more is ‘being done’ by law enforcement to curtail dangerous drunk driving, but there is ‘no change’ of public opinion like the one in the US after the effective ‘Mothers Against Drunk Driving’ [MADD] campaigns.

Mexicans bring this DANGEROUS aspect of THEIR culture HERE > when they come north. The leading cause of death for Hispanics aged 1-34 is vehicle crashes, and states with high rates of fatal hit-and-run accidents correspond with ‘those’ states ‘most affected’ by ILLEGAL Migration.

[R: other words, ALL of our States..!

"The Latino community creates its own problems," said Joe Ynostroza, technical assistance director for the ‘California Hispanic Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse’ in Sacramento, a nonprofit educational organization. The problem is ‘especially acute’ IN Mexico.

"Most of this is first- or second-generation MEXICAN MALES," he said. "Alcoholism runs RAMPANT in the Mexican ‘Latino’ community."

NO other ethnic or racial group has such a high level of DUI arrests statewide, according to the California Department of Justice. [‘DUI's Culture Gap’, By Rick Brewer Stockton Record, May 21, 2006]

The ongoing CARNAGE on AMERICAN highways FROM Mexican drunk drivers, is INCREASING with an EXPANDING population of ‘foreigners’ [ILLEGALS] NOT ‘assimilating’ to the AMERICAN way of driving—LAW-abiding, sober AND strapped in.

[R: ..And out of all this CHAOS, 25 Americans are KILLED everyday BY illegals! 12 by MURDER, 13 by Manslaughter.. [One of many sources] This equals to 9,125+/year EVERY year! That’s THREE TIMES the casualties of the Iraq war in ONE THIRD the time, or THREE ‘911’ casualties in ONE year, EVERY year!

#4 Animal CRUELTY… is ‘no problema’.

Mexicans LOVE their bullfighting, a ‘BLOOD’ sport which ends in the matador KILLING the animal with a sword to the heart, a ‘PRE-determined’ outcome which is NOT very ‘sporting’. Before the matador's entrance, the mounted picador TORMENTS the bull by piercing it repeatedly with a spear, an activity which can end badly for the HORSE. (Speaking of horses, about 10 percent of Mexican stock are slaughtered for FOOD.)

Mexican ‘rodeo’ includes ‘steer-tailing’, where a rider yanks the animal's tail in an attempt to flip it to the ground. Steer-tailing was made ‘illegal’ in Eagle County in Colorado because of the cruelty of the event.

By comparison, ‘American rodeo’ animals ARE ‘protected by law’ and have active citizen interest in their welfare.

#3 Mexicans ARE Racist!

"Mexican society is fundamentally racist AND classist," said Guadalupe Loaeza, a newspaper columnist. "The color of your skin is a key that either opens or shuts doors. The lighter your skin, the more doors open to you." [‘Mexican Postage Stamp Pushes Racial Envelope’, By Chris Kraul & Reed Johnson LA Times June 2005]

The controversy about Mexico's racist ‘postage stamps’ revealed the country's attitude toward darker-skinned peoples as definitely NON-egalitarian. Mexico's governmental ‘elites’ are ‘pale persons’ of European descent, like ex-Presidente Vicente Fox whose background includes Irish and Spanish roots. ‘Reporting’ about the last Mexican Presidential race ‘noted’ that candidate Lopez Obrador is ‘dark-skinned’, a characteristic counted as an ‘impediment’ in a country where the political class is overwhelmingly ‘white’. New Presidente Felipe Calderon is white.

‘Aztlan cheerleaders’ SQUATTING in this country [USA], like to make the point that Mexicans are ‘indigenous people’. Indeed Mexico has a high percentage of Indian and ‘mestizo’ peoples compared with other Latin American nations. The World Bank reports that Mexico has *37* languages, each spoken by at least 10,000 people, and that the rate of illiteracy is 63 percent among the indigenous population, versus 42 percent in the non-indigenous.

Mexico's ‘elite’ may even have ‘ethnic cleansing’ in mind, as they push uneducated the mestizos and Indians into the US, while the white oligarchs just get RICHER. (The net worth of Mexico's BILLIONAIRES expanded from 4 percent of GDP in 2000 to 6 percent in 2006 according to a World Bank study, with LITTLE trickle down.)

Mexicans are also ANTI-Semitic, according to surveys done by the ‘Anti-Defamation League’. The most recent, in 2005, found that 35 percent of Foreign-born Hispanics have "hardcore anti-Semitic beliefs," compared with 19 percent of US-born, a slight improvement over a similar 2002 poll with results of 44 and 20 percent respectively.

[R: Hmm.. Maybe the ‘trickle down’ effect is in place from such a LARGE amount of Nazi ‘SS’ officers who took up refuge in Mexico after WWII?! Things that make ya go Hmm..

In comparison, ‘extreme’ anti-Semitic views are held by 14 percent of American-Americans.


A Washington Post article ("For Many in Mexico, Bribes a Way of Life") emphasized that bribes were entirely ‘normal’, from getting a drivers license to procuring a building permit for a major project. *Kids* slip the teacher a little cash for a better grade. Residents of Mexico City have to pay a ‘mordida’ for nearly a quarter of government services received, a study found.

As below, so above. Political corruption is a ‘common item’ in the news, as politicians stuff money into suitcases and offshore bank accounts. Mexico is "considered one of the MOST CORRUPT countries in the HEMISPHERE" with evidence GROWING that ‘connections’ between drug cartels AND government officials are SUBSTANTIAL. Several years of investigation by ‘Transparency International’ put Mexico SOLIDLY into the ‘Third World’ in terms of corruption.

PART of the reason for the corruption is NO ‘tradition’ of the building blocks of ‘democracy’. Mexico has little support for free speech in the press. Mexico is a VERY dangerous place for journalists doing investigative work about ‘powerful interests’, from drug cartels to corrupt government officials. For example, the American publisher of the little ‘Gringo Gazette’ faced two years in jail for ‘telling the truth’ about real estate scams that Mexican developers were pulling on American investors. The murder of Chihuahua ‘crime reporter’ Enrique Perea last August was the *25th* KILLING of a journalist in Mexico since 1995.

[R: ..and so the ‘Deceptive Environment’ that the majority of illegals came from, is being brought HERE..!

#1 Mexicans are Marxicans.

Throughout their HISTORY, Mexicans have preferred statist SOCIALISM and earlier ‘varieties’ of BIG government, rather than individualistic ‘free enterprise’.

Politically, Mexico had a history of ONE-party rule LONGER than the Soviet Union, ‘symbolically’ ended with the election of Vicente Fox, a member of the ‘opposition party’. Even so, pundits and government officials ‘hint’ that democracy may NOT be quite the ‘done deal’ we've been led to believe, saying things like "Mexico has made great strides ‘toward’ democracy" and "The democracy Mexico has built IS fragile." NO kidding.

The Mexican political preference for over 70 years [since THEIR ‘Civil War’] has been FAR left ‘sombrero’ Stalinism, a tendency which CONTINUES today, as shown by ‘leftist’ candidate Lopez Obrador coming within a HAIR of winning the Presidency last summer.

And despite being a VERY WEALTHY nation, Mexico is STILL the ‘Third World’ where the ‘forces of anarchy’ are becoming STRONGER and a ‘failing state’ syndrome IS snapping at its heels.


Americans have a TOTALLY DIFFERENT ‘cultural background’, INCLUDING a belief that progress IS possible. (See Prof Lawrence Harrison's fascinating analysis of ‘progress-prone’ vs. ‘progress-averse’ cultures, also organized as a chart.) As Samuel Huntington remarked, "... if America had been settled NOT by British Protestants but BY French, Spanish, OR Portuguese Catholics, it would NOT be America; it would be Quebec, Mexico, or Brazil.""

Throughout OUR history, Americans have worked to IMPROVE the ‘rule of law’ and expand gender AND racial equality. We VALUE scholarship AND scientific inquiry. Our concept of "family values" includes educating young people for MANY years rather than sending them out into the workplace at age 14 OR encouraging teen marriage for girls. Any ‘closer’ an integration of the Mexican and America cultures would be COMPLETELY NEGATIVE for America and DESTRUCTIVE to OUR ‘tradition’ of ‘fairness under law’.

‘MexiFornication’ has been a step BACKWARD. The ‘unassimilated’ TENS of MILLIONS of [primarily] Mexican illegals in this country BRING with them THEIR culture's Violence, Disinterest in Education, Historic Corruption AND Gender Inequality.

On the basis of culture ALONE—forgetting about the drug cartels, financial cost to American taxpayers, threats to public health, the DANGER from political ‘Aztlan’ and the ‘normalization’ of TREASON—the ‘idea’ is the WORST EVER to emanate from Washington.

Just say NO to the IDIOTIC ‘scheme’ of US-Mexico ‘political union’—truly a marriage made in HELL!



Brenda Walker lives in northern California and publishes two websites, and and has sworn OFF traveling to Mexico AND drinking Mexican beer.


[R: ..So Alexander Hamilton’s words come to mind when he wrote in 1802: “To admit foreigners INDISCRIMINATELY to the rights of Citizens, the moment they foot in our country would be nothing less than to admit the Grecian horse into the citadel of our liberty and sovereignty.â€