McCain sent me this letter today.

Dear Mr. Pate

Thank you for contacting me regarding illegal immigration. I appreciate knowing your views and for the opportunity to explain my position.

Our current immgration system is broken. It does' nt meet the needs of our economy and it leaves too many people vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. The number of people illegally crossing our southeren border is further proof of the unacceptable situation that exists today. Those of us from the border states witness every day the impact illegal immigration is having on our friends and neighbors, our country and city services, our economy and our enviorment. We deal with the degradation of our lands and the demands imposed on our hospitals and other public resources.

Last year, I joined with a bipartisan group of Senators to develop a workable, COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform measure. First and formost among my priorities was to ensure our bill included strong border security and enforcement provisions. We need to provide the Department of Homeland Security with the resources it needs to secure our borders to the greatest extent possible. These include man power, vehicles and detention facilities for those apprehended. We also need to create virtual barriers through the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, ground censors, cameras, and the most up to date security technologies available. And we need to crack down employers that are unlawfully employing undocumented immigrants. (DONT TALK ABOUT IT, DO IT)

In addition to strengthening border security and enforcement, our legislation, the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act (S. 1033), would also establish a new temporarty worker program that permits workers from other countries to the extent they are needed. To fill jobs that would otherwise go unfilled (I AM BOILING NOW)

Without a legal path for essential workers to enter the country, we will have desperate people illegally crossing our borders and living in the shawdows of our towns, cities and rural communities. That is not acceptable. (THEN ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS ALREADY!!!!!)

The vast majority of individuals attempting to cross our borders do not intend harm to our country (BUT THE SURE ARE HARMING OUR COUNTRY); they are coming to meet our demand for labor and to earn money to feed their families (AND SUPPORT A CORRUPT MEXICAN GOVERMENT)

By the Border Patrol's own estimates, 99% of those apprehended coming across the border are doing so for work. However, the Border Patrol cannot possibly every crosser being smuggled in, no matter how many resources we provide. (OK, HOW ABOUT JUST HALF OF THEM?). That is why any immigration legislation that passes Congress MUST establish a legal channel (TO DRIVE DOWN YOUR WAGES) for workers to enter the U.S after they have passed background checks and have to secured employmen. THEN we can free up federal officials to focus on those individuals intending to do harm through drug smuggling, human trafficking and terrorism.

In additition to robust border security and enforcment AND a temporary worker program for future immigrants, we have to address the fact that 11-12 million ( YEA RIGHT, TRY 20 MILLION) people are living in the U.S illegally, most of them employed( OH YEA? HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?), many whose children were born here, and are therfore American Citizens. Our economy has come to depend whose existence in our country is furtive, whose whereabouts and activites, in many cases, are unknown. I have listned to and understand the concerns of those who simply advocate sealing our borders and rounding up and deporting undocumented (ILLEGALS) workers currently in residence here. But that's easier said then done. ( IT WOULD'NT HAVE BEEN IF YOU MADE STATES AND CITIES ENFORCE LAWS ALREADY IN PLACE)

I have yet to hear a single proponent of this point of view offer one realistic proposal for locating, apprehending, and returning to thier countries of origin, over 11 million people. Even if we could exponentially increase the money and manpower dedicated to finding and arresting undocumented (ILLEGALS) workers in this country, and inventing some deportation scheme on a scale that exceeds all reality, we would, by removing these people from their jobs, severely damage the American ecmonmy. (BALONEY)

Under our legislation, undocumented workers would have incentives to declare their existence and comply with our laws. They would be subjected to backround checks and could apply for work visas. (AND YOU WOULD GIVE THEM THE BANK) They would be required to pay a substantial fine. (RIGHT, YOU WOULD ENFORCE THAT LAW, BUT NOT THE LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS) pay their back taxes, learn English, and enroll in civic education. ( I WOULD LAUGH IF THIS DIDNT SUCK SO BAD)

They would need to remain employed here for six years, and then, at the end of those six years, go to the BACK of the line to apply for legal citizenship. I believe most undocumented (ILLEGALS) will accept these requriments in order to escape the fear, uncertainty and VULNERABILITY to exploitation the currently endure (WELL IF THEY WERE NOT HERE IN THERE FIRST PLACE THEN THEY WOULD NOT BE EXPLOITED) And while those who have to come here to do us harm will not come out of hiding to accept these conditions, we WILL be able to focus our LIMITED resources on locating those people.

As you may know, on March 27, 2006 the Senate began consideration of a comprehensive immigration reform bill that included many provisions from S. 1033. While the Senate was unable to complete the bill adn pas it prior to the spring Conressionsal Recess, I remain firmly commited ( TO SELLING OUT THIS COUNTRY) to moving it throught the legislative process. ( AT YOUR OWN POLITICAL PERIL). In my view, it provides for a fair, practical and humane solution to the problem of illegal immigration and I am confident will eventually prevail. ( GOD I HOPE NOT)

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please feel free to contact me on this or any other issues of concern.

Sincerely, Senor McCain.