i am a 16 year old student in the state of nj(almost 17) who has one year left of highschool and plan on applying to schools such as the university of michigan and penn state on full tuition with my good grades. i have a mother who a little over 2 years ago became a u.s citizen. i was born in the united states of america. my brother who just turned 8 on monday was also born here in the united states of america. my youngest brother who just reached the 6 MONTH mark has also been born an american citizen. just today my stepfather who is father to both my brothers gets a letter saying his permanent residence application has been denied because he was accused of stealing $13,000 over 6 years ago which infact he did not do. None of my family has come to this country hopping borders or anything they all came here through plane. im not a stupid 16 year old either, i know that taking away a father from 2 of his young sons whom work very hard along with my mother to buy a one family house with 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms a basement and a backyard is morally wrong. there is no way that the government can possibly take away a father from 2 young children. he pays his taxes, how is this possible? im doing my research and i plan on fighting alongside a man who became my 2nd father wen i was only 5 years old. i was wondering if anyone on these forums could help me out with information. thank you