"Open Invitation" to the World?

This morning I was watching C-Span and there were two reporters on the show, one from Guatemala and one from England. They were asked how Americans were viewed by the rest of the world. Well I won't get into that, but the issue of illegal immigration came up...A man called in and asked the reporter from Guatemala how his country would feel if the United States sent millions of Americans to his country and expected the Guatemalan people to pay for their education, health care etc.

The answer the reporter gave was, we are a small country and do not have the wealth that the United States has but we are a very diverse country, besides ( and here is what got me ) the United States is "inviting" these people to come to their country because they need workers.

Now I have heard this phrase on several occasions in the newspapers, MSM, politicians and open border lobbyists, Mexican officials such as Calderon, Fox etc., that we are asking these people to come here.

Now my question is ( since I must be missing something) has anyone heard the President, Vice President, Secretary of State or any other part of this government, or "we the People" come out on any news station, newspapers, or has anyone seen any want adds I may have missed, advertising for everyone to " come on into the United States" by any means possible, we invite one and all and extend an open invitation to the world ?

Now I know I can be slow at times, but if I saw a country building a fence, putting armed guards on its borders, it would sure send a message to me....but we must be missing something here that the rest of the world has gotten and we fail to see.

Either way I am sick of hearing the United States has an "open invitation " or that we have invited these people to come here and over populate our country,

So what have you heard? Have you sent these people an invitation ? or have you heard this announced in the Media by any public officials ? Did I miss this announcement? When and where did this announcement occur?

Confused and in the dark in Idaho ...SOSAD